Jonathan29923's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Jonathan29923's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Wow, Jonathan, I love your shapes & colors! They look like exotic fruits. Painting + line drawing really look great!
- Nainai on November 15, 2023
So cool, Jonathan! Really intense colors! I’m being pulled into the swirls…
- Nainai on November 15, 2023
Hallo Jonathan, so ein lustiges junges Schweinderl, das winkt mir sogar zu, macht sicher Quick, Quick. Bussi, Opa
- Opa on April 5, 2023
Wow, Jonathan, that is a really fierce dinosaur looking our way! What a great curvy and spikey tail! Great work. Love, Nainai
- Nainai on March 8, 2023
Oh my gosh, your drawing is so amazing! I see the sweet personality of your horse. I want to hug it! Love, Nainai
- Nainai on March 8, 2023
Wow, Jonathan! I love the colors you used. Yellow is one of my favorite colors, and it looks so beautiful against the blue sky background. This is great work! Keep painting :)
- Aki Gugu on March 1, 2023