Henry19425's Comments (29)

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Below are comments about Henry19425's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Very nice drawing of a dog!!! It must be going for a walk at night from the looks of the beautiful night sky in the background.
- Grandma Judy on October 23, 2024
Henry I really like this picture! It is funny how something a simple as some paint brushes can turn into an interesting piece of art. I know this drawing is on a flat piece of paper, but somehow it looks like three of brushes are standing up! How did you manage that? My favorite brush is the big one in the middle. I like the detail of the number 2 on the Ferrule. I also really like the splattered paint! Love Grammie
- Grammie on October 23, 2024
Henry that is really great picture! It made me smile especially the little details like the bow, the steering wheel and the license plate. Is that Ruby in the front seat?? I can only wish for headlights as bright as those and snow falling from the sky! You are a great observer and a talented artist!
- Grammie Burns on February 27, 2024
Henry this landscape has many more details in than the first picture. Did you add on to the first, or start a new work? Either way I like this one too. I especially like the squirrels! That is because I can remember you almost catching one when you were much younger. This art work connected me to a very happy time and a good memory of a picnic at Bay Beach! Thank you for your love of nature and for your beautiful art. Love you
- Grammie on February 27, 2024
Henry you spend so much time outside I know you have seen many Birch trees, which is why these tress look so real! I really like the different shades of blue you used for the sky! Keep up your art work you have a wonderful way of seeing the world!
- Grammie on February 27, 2024
Henry, Looks like you had a good time monkeying around at Art Class! It made me smile! Love, Papa
- Papa on February 27, 2024
Oh my Henry! Is this guy a friend of Tacky the Penguin? I'm sure if they met in real life they would be friends. That looks like it was hard work. How did you make the Penguin stay in the bowl? Also I wonder is he winking at me?? Love you, Grandma B
- Kathleen(fan) on February 27, 2024
Henry, it looks like your critter is coming out of a pool of water! Well done! I especially like the puckered up mouth AND the winking eye!! Love, Papa
- Papa on February 27, 2024
This painting reminds me of the squirrels in our birch trees. We enjoy watching them scamper around the yard and jump from one branch to another. They are very agile. Your artwork is nicely done Henry!
- Grandpa Garry on April 1, 2023
Beautiful picture Henry! The metallic accent is a very nice touch!
- Grandma Judy on April 1, 2023
Henry, your leaves are INCREDIBLY beautiful!! You have truly captured the wonder and magic of fall! Love, Papa
- Papa on January 25, 2023
Whoaaa, Henry! That is some special, bejeweled Egyptian cat!! I don't know that I've EVER seen a more elegant cat! Love, Papa
- Papa on January 25, 2023
Henry, you LOOOVE turtles, as do I, and this art work truly illustrates your special connection with your reptile friends!!!
- Papa on January 25, 2023
Henry, you LOOOVE turtles, as do I, and this art work truly illustrates your special connection with your reptile friends!!!
- Papa on January 25, 2023
Henry your art work is always full of interest details. This sea turtle has such a beautiful shell. The way you drew the legs make it seem like it is actually swimming along with all his jelly fish friends! I know you can hold your breath for a long time while swimming under water, so I hope maybe one day you will get to swim with sea turtles! If the turtles knew what a knowledgeable naturalist you are, they would welcome you. Love you!
- Grammie Burns on January 25, 2023
Henry, this art work is terrific! I love everything about it...the tree and the shrubs with red berries; the shape and color of the squirrel; its eyes, nose and paws. You are a very talented artist! Love, Papa
- Papa on January 25, 2023
Henry you have a dog named Ruby, but if you lived in ancient Egypt maybe you would have had a cat! I do not know how cats got to be the favorite animal of Egyptians but I know they thought they were magical. The cat in your picture must have been owned by a very rich family as it is covered in Jewels! Do you think a fancy cat like that could really bring good luck to the family? I think it could bring a mouse free house which is a very good kind of luck! Thanks for sharing your art. Love you
- Grammie Burns on January 25, 2023
Henry when I saw this picture I could not imagine how you did it. It is really very beautiful. I think you choose a good variety of leaves and placed them in interesting ways on the paper. How did you create the shadows around them? I do not always notice the veins on the leaves I pick up in the fall, but in your picture they really stand out and it makes me wonder and that is good. I love you and I love looking at this picture!
- Grammie on January 25, 2023
Henry I was so excited to see the link to your art work in my email! This is an especially great picture. It is not only beautifully done with even a little surprise hiding at the top of the tree, but it reminds me of your love of nature and the many times you have chased after squirrels! I think if this squirrel was real you could probably catch him as he looks rather warm and cosy, not inclined to run anywhere!
- Grammie on January 25, 2023
Beautiful Artwork Henry!
- Grandma Judy on January 25, 2023
I love this sea turtle scene! I feel like I am underwater in a tropical barrier reef!
- Steve on January 25, 2023
Woah! This is SO cool. This creature looks like it is from an ancient Egyptian tomb or something!
- Steve on January 25, 2023
Henry! This is SUPER cool! It looks professional! You are a "natural" artist! Love Dad
- Steve on January 25, 2023
Henry another fantastic piece of art! I really like all the colors you used especially the red background. My favorite parts are the sunflowers especially the blue and red one in the bottom corner!
- Grandma Burns on June 15, 2022
Henry, this is beautiful. You are an incredible artist! I am always amazed at your creativity and talent.
- Steven (Father) on May 11, 2022
Henry your drawing of the tiger is beautiful. The details help make it look realistic. The darker yellow on the right side of the the tiger gives a nice shadow affect and makes it look 2 dimensional. Using the bright colors in the background was a good idea since it makes the tiger stand out even more into the foreground. The expressive blue eyes help set the playful mood of the picture. The facial features are very well thought out and makes for a nicely structured head.the addition of the teeth also adds to the expressive face. I also like how you used all the space on the paper. Nicely done Henry! Grandpa and I will be looking forward to seeing many more of your art pieces in the future!??
- Grandma Judy on April 13, 2022
This is ABSOLUTELY fabulous!! I Love all the parts of the tiger's head and face, plus the background colors are really creative!
- Papa on April 6, 2022
Henry I love your tiger picture! I like the way the fur is not all the same color intensity. Some of the fur looks darker and some lighter, just a real tiger. I wonder how you made the ears look 3 dimensional? The light blue eyes remind me of your eyes. Something about this tiger is makes me thing he would be friendly, even though I know tigers are ferocious! Love, Grandma Burns
- Kathleen(fan) on April 4, 2022
Great work Henry!! I love the tiger’s eyes!!
- Mom on April 4, 2022