Violet6187's Comments (47)

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Below are comments about Violet6187's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This piece is very dramatic with the gold color against the black background. There was much work and thought put into this piece! Grandpa Garry says “She has a special talent!” I agree.
- Grandma Judy & Grandpa Garry on October 23, 2024
Violet this artwork is BEAUTIFUL. The detail of the design is lovely. At first glance it reminds me of an embroidery. Grandpa likes the colors you used, and he also was impressed by the attention to detail as well.
- Grandma Judy & Grandpa Garry on October 23, 2024
This is a very nice self portrait Violet! Also a lovely, stylish outfit you’re wearing.The musical notes sprinkled throughout the design on the shirt is a nice touch.
- Grandma Judy on October 23, 2024
Oh my Violet this picture reminds me of the Art that was all around me when I was growing up in the 1960's! That is a long time ago. We called it psychedelic art. It was fun colorful and sometimes a bit crazy looking compared to the way pictures usually looked. I love this picture and I love you!
- Grammie on October 23, 2024
Looking at this picture I’m imagining a relaxing day at the beach. It’s a nice warm sunny day and the warm soft sand feels good between my toes. Grandma Judy
- Grandma Judy on February 27, 2024
The variety of colors in this painting are beautiful Violet! It has such a happy feeling about it??. Anyone would love receiving this valentine. It would brighten their day! Grandma Judy
- Grandma Judy on February 27, 2024
The watermelon looks so juicy, sweet, and delicious Violet! Perfect for a picnic on a hot summer day. Such a beautiful array of colors in this picture. Nicely done! Grandma Judy
- Grandma Judy on February 27, 2024
Such a lovable little fox! The colorful sky in the background is so lovely! Your choice of placement and size of the trees gives dimension to the scene. The addition of shadows also adds dimension to the scenery. Nicely done Violet!
- Grandma Judy on February 27, 2024
There you are Violet, in your pretty purple polka dot shirt and your pretty pink pants. Your lovely blond hair looks great against the pretty purple polka dot shirt. It’s a really nice self portrait of yourself! Grandma Judy
- Grandma Judy on February 27, 2024
Well Violet those apples look good enough to eat! Yum! Red ripe and so crunchy! Beautiful shades of red and the bowl a nice contrasting color. The dark background nicely showcases the main subject of the picture . Grandma Judy
- Grandma Judy on February 27, 2024
Violet, this folk art Santa is really a happy one! He looks like he is reaching out for a big Hug! I can't fault him for that as you give the best hugs!!!
- Grammie Burns(fan) on February 27, 2024
This is one of my favorite pieces of your art! I love the trees, the snowflakes the, the heart carving and of course the birds. My favorite bird is the one with the blue head because she looks so happy.
- Grammie on February 27, 2024
Violet those apples look as tasty as the ones we picked in door county! As much as I like the apples, I think I like the blues and purple background the best! Love you and love your art
- Grammie on February 27, 2024
This shape and line owl made me smile! You really know how to use color, and shapes to make something fun. My favorite shape is the heart because it reminds me of you, and how much I love you! My favorite line is the pink one that goes over, up, over down with the green dots that go up, down, up down. It is a happy pattern. Love you Grammie B.
- Kathleen(fan) on February 27, 2024
Whoaa, Violet! That's one scary owl! I'm glad it's not looking at me! But wait, it looks like it has a heart on its forehead! Well done! Love, Papa
- Papa on February 27, 2024
This is very fine work Violet! You choose so many beautiful colors, and use so many different techniques to paint them on. My favorite part is the smile because it remind me of how much you smile everyday! Love you Grandma B.
- Kathleen(fan) on February 27, 2024
Violet, I LOVE EVERYTHING about this very special snail...the inquisitive eyes, the SOOO very happy smile, and the spectacular colors. You are a very talented ceramics artist!! Love, Papa
- Papa on February 27, 2024
Your latest art work is a lovely portrait Violet. Since it is untitled we can use our imagination to guess who it might be. Since the person has blond hair and beautiful blue eyes it might be you. The floral print on her shirt is lovely also.
- Grandma Judy on February 27, 2024
Hi Violet, This girl with rosy cheeks, beautiful blue eyes and smile could be a self-portrait! Love, Papa
- Papa on February 27, 2024
Violet this watermelon looks so very real; I was tempted to take a bite! Let's make a summer plan to enjoy some watermelon together! I will swallow a seed it you will! Love you Grammie
- Kathleen(fan) on February 27, 2024
Violet, Your watermelon looks absolutely juicy and YUMMY! And you even have a fork and spoon ready for the feast! I Love it!! Love, Papa
- Papa on February 27, 2024
Violet, WOW!!! This spectacular penguin is floating on an ice flow in a beautiful blue ocean filled with crystals, and a sky filled with magical stars, hearts, and snow flakes. You have created a wonderful scene! Love, Papa
- Papa on April 1, 2023
Happy Easter Violet! This is a great work of art! Your Bunny has such bright, wide open eyes, and long lashes, just like you! I like the oversized pink glasses the best! When I saw this it made me smile! Love you! Grammie
- Kathleen(fan) on April 1, 2023
Violet, This bunny is EGG-xactly perfect for Easter. I LOVE everything about this wonderful artwork! Love, Papa
- Papa on April 1, 2023
Violet, This bunny is EGG-xactly PERFECT for Easter. I LOVE it! Love, Papa
- Papa on April 1, 2023
Beautiful birch trees Violet! Birch trees are one of my favorite trees to paint , along with pine trees. You draw and paint pine trees very well also. Grandpa likes all of your artwork too! We both enjoy seeing all the lovely art work you create.
- Grandma Judy and Grandpa Garry on April 1, 2023
Beautiful birch trees Violet! Birch trees are one of my favorite trees to paint , along with pine trees. You draw and paint pine trees very well also. Grandpa likes all of your artwork too! We both enjoy seeing all the lovely art work you create.
- Grandma Judy on April 1, 2023
I really like the interesting pattern on the penguin’s hat and mittens. The multi colored sky adds a surprising look for the sky. The chunk of ice is nicely drawn to show convincing perspective of a 3 dimensional cylinder. Nicely done Violet!
- Grandma Judy on April 1, 2023
The Bunny is soooo cute! And just in time for Easter, which is just 10 days away. Your choice of the bright pink background looks very nice with the white and black of the bunny. The pink frames are a nice touch also.
- Grandma Judy on April 1, 2023
Violet this picture reminds me of Tacky the Penguin! Tacky is a bird who thinks for himself, and stays true to who he is, just like you! He is one of my favorite book characters, and you ARE my favorite First Grade Artist! All the colors you used in the sky, warms my heart. The blue and purple of the water is beautiful, but looks so cold that I'm glad I am not a penguin! I really like the hat and mittens, you choose really great colors and kinds of paper. I have to wonder how did you make that scarf?? Love you!
- Grammie on April 1, 2023
Violet, This bird is ready to CELEBRATE spring! It has a fan display of beautiful feathers! Love, Papa
- Papa on March 22, 2023
Violet, Your collage is spectacular! The colors are SOOOO springy! And...hidden away in the background I even see a nest with three hungry, little peeping birds. Love, Papa
- Papa on March 22, 2023
Violet this is one my favorites! You are a wonderful artist. This collage reminds me of the art piece your dad made for me with the Birch tree branches. I love the bird with the blue head it looks as happy and cheerful as you are. I like the heart with your initials carved within. The snow flakes look so light and fluffy and the little nest reminds me that Spring is coming! Well done, you!! Love, Grammie
- Grammie on March 8, 2023
What a colorful reminder of how much fun winter can be. I like the choice you made when you selected such a colorful scarf! I Love you and I Love your art work!
- Kathleen on January 4, 2023
Violet, I LOVE this snowman! It looked so great in our house this Christmas. I'm already excited to bring it put again next year!
- Steven (Parent) on January 3, 2023
This is another pretty reflection painting. The colors are lovely?? Thank you for teaching me this painting technique. I will have to use this technique in some of my paintings in the future.
- Grandma Judy on December 7, 2022
This is a lovely reflection painting! I really like the combination of colors you used. Thank you for showing me how to make reflection paintings. We will have to paint together again sometime very soon.
- Grandma Judy on December 7, 2022
Nicely done Violet! By filling in the whole space with blue in back of the lady bug, and having the brown earth touch the blue you have created a horizon line. Good job Violet!
- Grandma Judy on December 7, 2022
Hi Violet, I really like your imaginative treatment of the trees in your painting! Nicely done?? Your use of perspective in the drawing of the building gives the feeling of space.
- Grandma Judy on December 7, 2022
Your painting is beautiful Violet! The yellow hat is so pretty, as well as the blue jacket. I like how you used the whole piece of paper for the painting. The lovely blue sky and green grass make a nice background. I wonder if the person in the picture has a name.
- Grandma Judy on December 7, 2022
I wish your Aunt Caitlin could see this picture as when she was your age we called her Katie-Bug and she loved lady bugs! I think she would like this picture as much as I do. The baby lady bug is so cute, the grass so interesting, and the sky the happiest blue ever! Love you!
- Grammie Burns on December 7, 2022
What a beautiful scene you have created, Violet!! I love the trees with their different colors and special looking branches! And the barn is wonderful!!!! Love, Papa
- Greg on December 7, 2022
What a beautiful scene you have created, Violet!! I love the trees with their different colors and special looking branches! And the barn is wonderful!!!! Love, Papa
- Greg on December 7, 2022
Dear Violet, This is one of my favorites! I really like the colored trees and their branches! The yellow door on the barn is unexpected, so I like that too! Love you and your art works.
- Grammie Burns on December 7, 2022
You must be very happy with this picture! I know it made me happy to look at it! The reflects look so real and I love the smiling sun! The suns smile is almost as bright and shiny as yours!
- Grammie Burns on November 10, 2022
Violet! I love this artwork! You are such a wonderful artist. Thanks for teaching us this technique at home!!
- Steven (Parent) on November 1, 2022
This reflection art is beautiful Violet!!
- Mommy on November 2, 2022