Preston9979's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Preston9979's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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We love your new artwork and are going to order them to hang at our house! Great job!?? Nonnie and Papa ??
- Nonnie on January 17, 2024
We loved your heart picture! So colorful! Love Nonnie and Papa!
- Nonnie and Papa on September 6, 2023
Papa and I love the Bear!??Great job!!!
- Nonnie and Papa on February 1, 2023
Love your color blocks! Keep on creating!
- Grandma K on December 1, 2022
Papa and I love this picture!
- Nonnie on December 1, 2022
We love the color and details on your pumpkin and the beautiful stars in the dark sky! You have great talent! Love Nonnie and Papa ??
- Nonnie on November 16, 2022