Genevieve3131's Comments (24)

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Below are comments about Genevieve3131's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love all those different shades of green! It reminds me of New Hampshire!
- Aunt Elenna on April 21, 2024
What a wonderful creation! I love it!
- Pop Pop on January 17, 2024
What a lovely, colorful dish! (It looks kind of yummy, too)
- Mom Mom on November 8, 2023
Another beautiful art project! Your fox lives in a lovely environment. He has water to drink, beautiful trees and birds flying overhead. What a nice fox!
- Mom Mom on June 7, 2023
Ooh I really like this one! The different blues work together in a way that is cohesive and complimentary! The square shapes in diagonal lines are very aesthetically pleasing!!
- Lily <3 on May 31, 2023
WOW GENEVIEVE!!! THIS IS AMAZING!!! I’m obsessed with your fox in its natural habitat!! Your watercolor background is beautiful and I love the way you drew the trees! The fox is so cute!! I love this so much!!!
- Lily <3 on May 31, 2023
Wow!!! Genevieve this is really really nice! I love how you used different colors in the background, it’s creative and lovely and beautiful! The birds are so cute!! I love the stripes in the sky!! This is so nice to look at Genevieve, I love it!!
- Lily on March 15, 2023
Oh I love your robins!! Their red breasts against the reddening sky is so dramatic and beautiful! I love how you used color here!! ??
- Aunt Elenna on March 15, 2023
This is so beautiful, Genevieve! I love it! The robins look very happy - are they flying to your house to build a nest?
- Mom Mom on March 15, 2023
Wow! Genevieve this is so pretty! I love your usage of different shapes to make a really pretty pattern! I agree with mom mom and aunt Elenna in saying that it looks like a city at night, I love it!
- Lily on March 8, 2023
It looks like an apartment building at night (everyone has gone to bed and turned out their lights). Very cool.
- Mom Mom on February 8, 2023
Wow what an intricate work of art! It reminds me of the skyscrapers here in New York City. What a beautiful piece!
- Aunt Elenna on February 8, 2023
Wow! I love this one so much!! First of all, your background is stunning and I love the blending of the blues on the sky! I love your cool creatures so much too! Their eyes really show emotion! I love how they jump off the page- it’s like they’re right here with me! The colors collaborate really nicely too! This is so pretty Genevieve! I love it!
- Lily on December 28, 2022
Oooh this one is really really cool! I love how you cut out shapes of one color and used it on another! It’s very aesthetically pleasing to look at!
- Lily on December 28, 2022
Wow Genevieve!! This is beautiful! I love the way you used different colors and shapes to define this wonderful piece of art!! It’s really really beautiful!
- Lily on December 28, 2022
I really love how you took a two shapes and built it into a pattern of a bunch of different colored circles within squares! It's really cool how they all are different and unique in their own ways! It's so bright and colorful!
- Nicky(fan) on December 5, 2022
Wow! What exciting creatures! I love the creativity and imagination you put into this! You can really imagine them flying, and it's a beautiful watercolor!
- Nicky(fan) on December 5, 2022
I love seeing your artwork! It's super creative and festive and very unique. I love how you use so many different shapes that come together to make one big artwork!
- Nicky(fan) on December 5, 2022
I love how you use color in this one- especially the rings that change color! And the subtle changes in shade for the pinks and oranges. If it were food it would be delicious - it is so appealing to the eyes!
- Aunt Elenna on December 5, 2022
Ooh! I love these winged creatures - with the forked tongues of snakes and the wings of dragon flies and the long bodies of eels! They're very mysterious to me and I love how they fill the sky!
- Aunt Elenna on December 5, 2022
Wow! Like Matisse your work has so much movement - it feels like a dance to me! I love it!
- Aunt Elenna on December 5, 2022
Another masterpiece! What more can I say?
- Stephanie(fan) on December 4, 2022
I'm not sure who inspired this artwork but again, your use of color is excellent. And I love the undulating forms of the creatures flying in the sky!
- Stephanie(fan) on December 4, 2022
What a beautiful piece! Your inspiration must have been Matisse. Your choice of colors is so lovely. Keep up the amazing work!
- Mom Mom on December 4, 2022