Aragon1's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Aragon1's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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the picture looks really great i love how you used precise detail for every single thing in the picture and how you used different styles of drawing like in the trees and the houses
- on April 24, 2008
Dear Mrs. Aragon, I love the whole country theme it is really pretty and not to mention cute. Who would have thought that I could have an artist as a principal. Your student, Samantha Valencia
- on April 24, 2008
Good job. I especially like the trees i can see you worked hard on it!
- on April 24, 2008
i didn't know mrs. Aragon could draw like that! it is beautiful
- on April 24, 2008
good job mr.aragon that is beautiful artwork right there you should become an art teacher
- on April 24, 2008