Smith617's Comments (9)

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Below are comments about Smith617's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Smith, great job on your sunflower project. It makes me smile!
- Nonnie on May 31, 2023
These colors are so unique! -Mom
- Sarah (Mother) on April 29, 2023
Nice artwork Smith! I like those chicks.
- Papa Jim on April 29, 2023
Smith these very beautiful. I really like the colors you used.
- Nonnie on April 29, 2023
Great job Smith. I love your pictures, keep up the good work.
- Papa on April 29, 2023
Smith I really like all the houses in your village. And of course the elephant picture with the detailed trunk and ears.
- Nonnie on March 24, 2023
Smith, great job on these buildings. I could not do artwork as good as yours when I was in school!
- Papa Jim on March 24, 2023
Smith, I looked at all of your pictures and you did a great job on everything. Keep up the good work.
- Papa Jim on March 24, 2023
I love how detailed the elephant's trunk is! The animal print border really makes me feel like I am in the jungle! <3 Love, Mom
- Sarah (Mother) on March 22, 2023