Sofia15898's Comments (9)

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Below are comments about Sofia15898's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Thats very good Sofia...Love you Popi
- Popi on April 24, 2024
Sofia this is so great - I love your chicks eyelashes! I love you.
- Mommy on April 24, 2024
Sofia The arrangement of the sizes of the circles compliment each other. Your talent runs in the family. Love Ya-ya
- Yaya on March 6, 2024
Sofia I love the splash of pink with the deep blue and the different ranges of greens to tie all the colors together. Love Ya-ya
- Yaya on March 6, 2024
Sofia this is so beautiful - you are very talented! I love you
- Korey (Mother) on February 6, 2024
Looks Great......
- Poppi on February 6, 2024
Sofia your snowy tree is beautiful
- Korey (Mother) on December 15, 2023
Sofia your art work is Great....
- Poppy on December 15, 2023
Great job sofia I love you
- Korey (Mother) on September 27, 2023