Octavian112's Comments (21)

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Below are comments about Octavian112's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Nice!!!! Is it a green version of a dandelion? I know you like picking up dandelions.
- Gerard (Father) on May 17, 2023
This is really cool . You get more and more creative each time
- Joselyn (Mother) on May 17, 2023
Good job Octavian .when I see this it reminds me of how you always love to pick flowers for mommy . I love this picture.
- Joselyn (Mother) on May 17, 2023
I like the way you traced your hand to hold your flower. You are learning so many new ways to show your artwork. Wonderful!
- Grandma on May 17, 2023
I love the abstract theme of this art work piece.
- Gerard (Father) on April 5, 2023
This is really cool. Keep up the fantastic art work.
- Gerard (Father) on April 5, 2023
Good job baby boy ! I love your creativity too!
- Joselyn (Mother) on April 4, 2023
I love your lollipops. Your scissor skills are improving. Nice circles and you even colored the sticks too. Great work.
- Elnora (Grandmother) on April 4, 2023
I love the mixture of thick lines, thin lines, and cut shapes. The optical illusion I see is a cow.
- Elnora (Grandmother) on March 7, 2023
Great job Octavian! You continue to make mommy very proud! ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
- Joselyn on March 7, 2023
The red and yellow shapes really POP on your blue background! Blue is my favorite color. Good choice of colors and connecting curves. Great job.
- Elnora (Grandmother) on January 30, 2023
Good job Octavian ! ?? I Love the colors you used ! They all go together very well ! Mommy is so proud of you ! ??
- Joselyn on January 30, 2023
I thought how you created this was neat.
- Gerard (Dad) on December 6, 2022
I liked this one too bud!
- Gerard (Dad) on December 6, 2022
- Gerard (Dad) on December 6, 2022
Octavian, the background color you used makes the apple appear to be exploding out of a volcano! The apple looks like it's saying "You want a bite of me?" No, thank you! Great creativity.
- Grandma on November 28, 2022
Great job creating this artwork! I like how you shaped your apple to look just like a real one. And then I love the orange color in the background to make your apple stand out . Mommy is very proud of you Octavian. ?? Good job ?? ??
- Joselyn (Mother) on November 24, 2022
I love the colors you used for your cat. The eyes, nose, whiskers, and tongue really stand out. Good painting !
- Elnora (Grandmother) on November 3, 2022
Good job baby ! Mommy is so proud of you ??
- Joselyn on November 3, 2022
Good job baby! Mommy is proud of you . It looks like a guitar too ! Keep up the good work !!
- Joselyn (Mother) on October 7, 2022
Great cutting the shapes and gluing everything together. I knew right away it was a guitar. Adding colored cutouts for the background is a great idea. Grandma
- Elnora (Grandmother) on October 6, 2022