Alyssa2457's Comments (12)

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Below are comments about Alyssa2457's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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i love ur monster it is so cool i wish i made one at my school!!!!
- on October 5, 2009
hey lyssa i love ur bird
- on October 5, 2009
i love the witch. i really like the wart on the nose.
- on October 5, 2009
your witch is so cool
- on October 5, 2009
hi alyssa i like ur witch it looks really wierd yet cool!!!!
- on October 5, 2009
this is my favorite artwork so far and i cant wait to do more
- on May 28, 2009
i love my artwork this is alyssa2457 sending a coment to herself
- on May 29, 2009
i love ur artwork babe its terrific i love u too
- on May 28, 2009
hi i love ur artwork bffs for life dont forget it from baylie too
- on May 28, 2009
hey whats up lyss ur artwork rocks
- on May 28, 2009
I really like your indian and thanks for the invite to come here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- on November 21, 2008
I like your picture a lot. Is it for your mom for mother's day?
- on October 22, 2008