Carly605's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Carly605's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Carly, grandma and I really laughed at your latest. I see two faces (look like ghosts) and you put them together, the witch. Very creative!!
- on September 26, 2009
Carly, great work, I'm glad you are back in school so we can see your new creations.
- on September 20, 2009
Carly What a wonderful thought, a jar full of sunshine. If you have an extra one, send it our way, we can always use it to brighten-up our day. Grandma and I love the picture!! Good job.
- on May 21, 2009
Great work Carly! I love to see what you can do. Always do your best work - don't take the easy road. Luv Ya, Mom
- on January 12, 2009
Carly Grandpa and grandma really like your latest effort. What a jolly looking elf, and he is cross-legged. We hope you like making things like this because we really like seeing what you do! Tell your teacher "THANKS" for making your work available for us to see. Cheers
- on December 14, 2008
This one is very spooky! I would not like to get stuck in this pumpkin maze. Good Job Carly. Love, Mom
- on November 1, 2008
Carly, I really like your pumpkin patch picture. It must be night as I can see the moon and three ghosts, and they only come out at night. Good Job! Grandpa
- on November 1, 2008
Carly, grandma and I really liked your art work, especially the Birds of a Feather. Thanks for sharing!
- on May 29, 2008