Callen696's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Callen696's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Love the work. I left a comment several days ago and told Cal that I love the eyes and the green trees
- Pam (Legal guardian) on January 19, 2023
Keep drawing! Love to see your work!
- Sherrill (Legal guardian) on January 18, 2023
I like the tree bark detail.... What's the white thing?
- Scott (Father) on January 18, 2023
Wise owl. Reminds me of you and how you share your wisdom. Please keep sharing. Love the green and I call those trees Look forward to your future art works
- Pam (Legal guardian) on January 17, 2023
Love it!
- Ava (Mother) on January 17, 2023