That is one busy bee! You did such a good job making this bee so full of character! I love the detail! Great job, Soren! ? Daddy
- Shane (Father) on May 30, 2023
Your sculpture shows how incredibly talented and creative you are, Soren! I love how it's not just the sculpture, but also the shadows of it, that show your creativity! Love you and your imagination! - Your proud Daddy
- Shane (Father) on April 26, 2023
This Nature Art is incredibly creative! I love the colors and sticks you chose! I'm so proud of you, son! Keep it up! Love, Daddy
- Shane (Father) on April 25, 2023
I like the necklace you made with beads and feathers. Looks like it would be fun to wear. Great creativity, Soren!
- Nana on April 5, 2023
I like your fish in a colorful body of water. It looks like a very happy fish. Great job, Soren!
- Nana on April 5, 2023
What a beautiful rainbow! I love the bright colors you chose and the shape of your rainbow. Great artwork, Soren!
- Nana on April 5, 2023
What an incredible Rainbow, Soren! I am so proud of you and your blooming artistic talent! Love you, Daddy