Nathan36206's Comments (13)

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Below are comments about Nathan36206's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Nate, I love your Van Gogh starry night sky! The pumpkins have so many different shapes. It’s very realistic to have many different sizes and shapes. The pastel lines create a great depth of field! Very sophisticated!! Love, Gigi
- Gail on December 5, 2024
This artwork looks like a Martian to me! Do you think there is life on Mars? The finger nails and toe nails are great! I bet that Martian could give a really nice back scratch with his nails! You made the Martian look scary and nice at the same time. I really like your use of lines to create a 3-dimensional Martian! So terrific! Love you and love your art! Gigi
- Gail on December 5, 2024
Nate, I love your little gremlin that you have created! It’s a multimedia creation. You use collage technique as well as pastel markings and drawings. You provide very nice details on your artwork. The gremlin’s eyelashes are just great! I love seeing all of your new projects! Love to you, Gigi
- Gail on December 5, 2024
Hi Nate! I like how your flower petals show the opposite color on the color wheel across the center from each other. Did you know that artists usually paint the shadow of an object with the opposite color? That makes the object stand out! For example, a yellow banana’s shadow will use the purple color in the banana’s shadow. I also wondered why the center of the flower had dollar signs for eyes and why the flower was smoking a cigar? Your flower is clever and funny!
- Gigi on December 5, 2024
Nate, your creature is so colorful! He looks like he is very large, but the background shows he is on a tree branch, so he must be smaller like a Squirrel or a beetle. Have you ever seen an armadillo? They live in Texas and the shape of your creature’s colorful and patterned body reminds me of an armadillo! Texas Armadillos are gray in color and don’t climb trees. I like your creature better than an armadillo because you gave him a brightly designed body that he must be proud of! He has a tail that curls up. I wonder if he can hang by his tail like a monkey?? I’m looking forward to seeing more art that you create! I hope you do art projects with your brother and mommy this summer! We love you! Gigi and Pops
- Gigi on December 5, 2024
Nate, I love your geometric robot! He looks happy because his arms are in the air like he is cheering and celebrating. I bet he is cheering because you created him and brought him to life! I like his pinchers instead of feet. I bet his pinchers can hurt bad guys. His tail looks like a yoyo. Have you played with a yoyo? Sometimes it’s hard to keep a yo-yo going up and down on the string. The green space looks like a magic carpet! Wouldn’t that be fun to ride the carpet in the sky like Aladdin. You have learned so much about art! The tracings on the carpet are very nicely done! And just like great artists, often the design on the rug extends beyond the border of the painting! That gives the person viewing the art a lot to wonder about such as where are the rest of the gears that you traced? Do the gears on the rug make it fly? You are a very creative artist! I hope you always like drawing and designing artwork! You are very talented! Love, Gigi
- Gigi on December 5, 2024
I love how you placed the cute rabbit at the bottom of the tree hill. It seems like he just hopped up into the frame, I know that he is a lovable rabbit because he has a heart for his nose!! I hope you will always like creating art projects, because you are so good at it!??
- Gigi on December 5, 2024
Nate, your snowmen expressions are very clever. The noses, mouths, and eyes are all different from each other creating sad, angry, sinister and innocent emotions. You are very creative. I also love the background colors you chose. The Orange is next to the blue background making them each stand out more because they are across from each other on the color wheel. And the red background is next to the green background which is also directly opposite on the color wheel. That creates a lot of emotion as well. I’m so glad that you love making art projects because you are very good at it! You are a family of wonderful artists!
- Gigi on December 5, 2024
Nate, I love the wonderful expressions your snowmen have! Your snowmen’s eyebrows are so expressive! They create such angry and emotion filled faces. I love the complementary colors of the orange and blue backgrounds as well as the green and red complementary colored backgrounds. You are a very thoughtful and expressive artist. I enjoy all of your creations! I hope you enjoy your art projects. They are a joy to behold! I love you! Gigi
- Gail on December 5, 2024
Nate, I didn’t know that owls could be red. I looked up pictures of red owls on Google and saw a beautiful red owl with green eyes just like your super-duper drawing!! That red owl is also called a Madagascar Owl. Do you know where Madagascar is located?? Ask your mom or dad where it is. I know you had fun drawing your owl because the pastel colors you chose to use are beautiful together! When artists want to make the color red stand out in their art, they put the green color next to it! You already knew that! Love you artist Nate!
- Gigi on December 5, 2024
I love how you designed your lady bugs with big dots on one in a circle with one dot in the middle. then on another one, you made little dots with each wing matching the other. and then the last one with with most of its dots are the bottom of its wings. You are very creative! It looks like the 3 bugs are all talking with each other. I wonder what they are talking about? I’ve always thought that lady bugs are good luck, so if one lands on me, I leave it on me for good luck! Thank you for making such clever and beautiful art! Love you!
- Gigi on December 5, 2024
Nate, I wish I had a scarf as colorfully designed as the one you created! The bear looks very proud of his warm and snuggly scarf. I like the sky that you painted behind the bear because it is covered with bright yellow stars! I can see how much care and time you spent on your artwork! I love you. Gigi
- Gigi on March 22, 2023
Nate, what a beautiful winter picture you have created! I love how you cut the pine trees. I’ve never seen the cutting of trees done that way. You must have had fun cutting and pasting the entire collage. I’m so glad that you enjoy art! I do too! Love you.
- Gigi on March 22, 2023