StellaDrew1's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about StellaDrew1's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Wow!!! You did such a great job!!
- Gigi on October 11, 2023
My favorite one yet! Great job Stella Drew!!
- Gigi on May 16, 2023
I love it! So colorful! You are doing a great job in Art. Gigi and Pops are so proud of you!!!
- Gigi on March 10, 2023
I love this picture Stella Drew!! The pink motte. Is my favorite!! You are doing such a great job in Art class. Keep up the good work!!!
- Gigi on December 21, 2022
I love your pumpkin Stella Drew!! You are doing a great job in Art class!!! Keep up the good work!!
- Gigi on December 21, 2022
Love the spider!!!! You are doing a great job Stella Drew!
- Gigi on November 30, 2022
What a great job!
- Christy (Mother) on October 19, 2022