Peter7715's Comments (17)

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Below are comments about Peter7715's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I like this! Looks like a windy day in summer!
- Mimi on May 15, 2024
This artwork does remind me of the beautiful flowers that Georgia O’Keefe featured in her artwork. Nice job, Peter!
- Mimi on May 15, 2024
Peter, this painting is beautiful. I wish I could visit someplace like this!
- Mimi on May 15, 2024
I love this painting especially because I love snow. With the beautiful dark sky and the paths in the snow, it makes me feel like I could walk up to that snug little house with the smoke coming out of the chimney and get warm inside.
- Mimi on February 14, 2024
This is beautiful! I love it!!! ??
- Auntie Alissa on February 14, 2024
I think this is one of Peter’s best works of art yet! I love the colors he used. The building is an interesting design and makes me wish I could open the door and step inside.
- Mimi on February 14, 2024
Love this guy! Very colorful. ;)
- Auntie Alissa on February 14, 2024
This is so colorful! I’d like to hang this in my house.
- Mimi on February 14, 2024
I love this picture of an old village in the hills. Your night sky is beautiful!
- Mimi on June 7, 2023
This was a very interesting piece you made, Peter. Is it a sarcophagus? I hung this on my refrigerator for many months and enjoyed looking at it everyday!
- Mimi on June 7, 2023
I love the creatures in the sky and the colors you used. The columns and artwork above them are beautiful.
- Mimi on June 7, 2023
This is beautiful!
- Mimi on April 26, 2023
I love the design and colors you used in this, Peter. It’s really a cool piece of art!
- Mimi on April 26, 2023
Wow! This looks like professional art you'd see at a gallery! Peter may be a professional artist when he grows up! <3
- Alissa on April 26, 2023
These are super cute and drawn so well! I can't pick my favorite..... maybe the raccoon. He looks sassy. ; )
- Alissa on April 26, 2023
This is super cool! I may need Pete to come carve some pumpkins for me, this year. I love all the detail and different patterns!
- Alissa on April 26, 2023
This is super cool! Is it a self portrait, Peter?!
- Alissa on April 26, 2023