James42743's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about James42743's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Beautiful night sky. Looks like a snow globe!
- Glamma on December 6, 2023
This is magical looking! Nice job!
- Mimi on December 6, 2023
James! This is super cool! I love how they slant and are at angles. Really cool uses of blue as well!
- Michael (Father) on December 4, 2023
I love this effect. The lines around the leaf make it look like the leaf is vibrating. That’s a good science word, right? The leaf took a lot of patience and concentration. The colors you chose are pleasing to the eye as well. Nice work!
- Mimi on November 29, 2023
Your latest work of art is very unique! To me, it looks like the leaf has landed perfectly on a fresh cut tree. The rings around the leaf shows the age of the tree. You are a very talented artist with an amazing imagination. Love you! ??
- G on November 29, 2023
I like the huge eyes on your snowman!
- Mimi on November 29, 2023
James, I love how you made your snowman look like he’s peaking out the window at us. How cleaver! I thought you would have made his eyes look like red onions and celery for hair. Hahahahahhahaha!
- Glamma on November 29, 2023
It's a SNOWMAN! Love it, James. Boppa.
- Boppa on November 29, 2023
Dear James, This is great! I can see it’s a zebra with a top hat going to the orchestra at the University of Minnesota! Keep up the good work and your appreciation of art! Love you…glamma??
- Glamma on November 29, 2023
Hey James. I like your hat! I think you should call it "Cat in the Hat." Love you! Boppa
- Boppa on November 29, 2023
I like the way you drew all the lines to make a fancy hat! Love, Mimi
- Mimi on November 29, 2023