Tyler5494's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about Tyler5494's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I enjoy seeing your artwork. You have a good eye and talent in art. Keep up the good work. This ability can be used in your future!
- on October 7, 2009
Tyler, I love your "clay critters". What a clever idea and done so well. You will have to come visit some time and do clay with me here on the farm. Love, Aunt Jenny
- on October 7, 2009
Hey Tyler!! This looks a bit like Chance! Very good...so impressed with your talent. Keep up the GREAT work. Love, Aunt MiMi
- on October 7, 2009
This reminds me of the photos I've taken of the cardinals in our backyard. Did you see the photos? You did a great job on the birds and design of the branch. I see alot of potential in your art. Luv ya, Nino
- on March 17, 2009
I agree with the comment on the perspective. Also noticed that since it is winter only the pines are green, and the tree bare...great to think of that! I like the border as well, seems like a greeting card. Luv, Nino
- on March 17, 2009
Great use of color & shape. Also like that the whole piece is color. Nino
- on March 17, 2009
Tyler, I am very impressed with your art! This one really caught my eye. It is modern & colorful, a nice piece to frame & hang. Nino
- on March 17, 2009
Tyler, this piece also shows you ability to balance your design - I am very impressed with all of your work!!!!
- on March 13, 2009
I am so impressed with your perspective on this artwork showing part of the snowman and bringing the viewers eye back to the smaller trees in the background and the layout of the drawing makes a great design. I think you have inherited the gift as an artist!!!!!
- on March 13, 2009
What a beautiful picture, Tyler is a great artist like his uncle Jacob. Keep up the good work
- on March 13, 2009
I love these cardinals! Excellent work! Mom
- on March 13, 2009