Rebecca1703's Comments (22)

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Below are comments about Rebecca1703's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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OOhh a scary witch! Love Mommy
- on December 14, 2009
Rebecca, Another great artwork. Mommy is so proud of you. Love you.
- on December 14, 2009
Too cute. Good job. Love Mom
- on October 19, 2009
Rebecca,I love the Turkey,and have been looking at all your art work,now that I know how to get in your book.We are so proud of you,keep up the good granny/grandpa brown.
- on October 7, 2009
I love the colors! Good Job. Love mommy
- on May 5, 2009
Becca, what a cute display. You really do love animals! Love Mommy.
- on May 5, 2009
Great Job. Love mommy
- on May 5, 2009
Wow- is this modern art?? Nice colors. Love Mommy
- on May 5, 2009
Becca, how cute! You are such a good animal lover. Good job. Love Mommy
- on May 6, 2009
Too cute!
- on February 14, 2009
Rebecca, Wow!! Another beautiful creation. Even if it does have the dreaded snow in the picture!. love mommy
- on January 23, 2009
Becca, Great job. I am glad it was you working with these bugs and not me! love mommy
- on January 11, 2009
Becca, I love your scarecrow man! Good Job. Love mommy
- on January 11, 2009
Hey Rebecca, Gobble Gobble. I love the colors. Love Mommy
- on January 11, 2009
Rebecca, You did a good job with the details on this picture. Keep up the good work. Love Mommy
- on January 11, 2009
Darling Rebecca, What beautiful artwork! You did a wonderful job! I love you honey. Love mommy
- on January 11, 2009
Hi sweetie, I enjoyed working on this project with you. Keep up the good work. I am proud of you!!!!
- on January 11, 2009
Thank you sweetheart, I love fishing with my best fishing partner. Just don't ask for a bass boat.
- on January 11, 2009
Becca, What a wonderful picture of you and daddy. It is the best picture so far- because you drew it. Love mommy
- on June 3, 2008
Rebecca- keep up the good work. Love Mommy
- on May 22, 2008
Makes me wanna be there on a nice sunny day! Love Daddy
- on May 6, 2008
You did a great job Rebecca! Love Mommy
- on May 6, 2008