Morgan2534's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Morgan2534's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hey Morgan it is Brooke Gliva in your class. Hey this picture is funny. I didn't see it when you made it. Hey I wanted to ask you. Do you really eat crab on Thanksgiving? Thanks alot!!!! Sncerely, Brooke
- on March 8, 2009
Morgan, really nice but what is it lol......I will order some cards so we can send them to all of our friends. Love You Dad
- on January 24, 2009
Morgan, Wow! Nice job on your picture. I've always loved all of the artwork you've given me to hang in my kitchen. I knew some day your artwork would go far. Now here it is on the internet for everyone to see. I'm really proud of you!!! Your friend, April
- on May 18, 2008
I love this Morgan. You are getting to be a true artist.
- on May 18, 2008
Morgan, great work of art. I can't wait to hang it on my wall. Love Dad
- on May 18, 2008
Morgan great work you are a great artest. I can't wait to get the mug I ordered. Love dad
- on May 18, 2008