Jacob5292's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Jacob5292's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Nice Job Jake !!! Keep up the good work. :)
- on February 20, 2010
Good job buddy you worked hard on this onE
- on February 20, 2010
Good job little man
- on February 15, 2009
love it!! Love auntie, Kerry
- on June 5, 2008
Jac, I love seeing your art work! Great job buddy. you make us proud! Love, Aunt Kerry, uncle Kevin, Kev Ry, Abbie and Emily:)
- on May 25, 2008
Cool Artwork Jacob. Keep up the good work. !!!
- on May 25, 2008
Great Job Jacob !!!!
- on April 22, 2008