Bennett66's Comments (12)

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Below are comments about Bennett66's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hey Bennett, I love this happy dancing giraffe. You are a very good artist. love, mom
-- Rhonda
- on April 11, 2010
Bennett, great raindeer, and he is smiling. See you soon - Grandpa C
- on January 15, 2010
Bennett, you always come up with real neat art work. I'm sure you really like the class, it shows. Good Job!!!!
- on May 17, 2009
Bennett, this is a great ship. Grandma and I really enjoy your art. Be sure and thank your teacher for putting these on line so we can see your work. Cheers!
- on May 9, 2009
Awesome Job Bennett - The Pirate looks like he is having fun. Mom
- on May 9, 2009
Hey Bubba - what a happy looking frog. Looks like spring! Luv ya - Mom
- on May 9, 2009
Nice Work Bubba - Way to go. Keep up the good work.
- on November 23, 2008
Bennett, grandma and I really enjoy you sharing your art with us. You did a great job with this one, it is a real neat fall picture. We are very proud of your efforts!! Cheers
- on November 21, 2008
Bennett, The baby looks very warm and loved. Good job Mom
- on November 3, 2008
Bennett, Grandma and I really like your latest effort.... Keep up the good work! We look forward to seeing more of your artwork.
- on October 29, 2008
Bennett, this is a really neat picture. Grandma likes the robins and I think the bee is just the neatest. Good job!
- on May 31, 2008
Bennett - you did an awesome job on this! It must have took you a long time to do. Keep up the great art work. 1 4 3 Mom
- on May 11, 2008