Xavier, I love the bright colors of your art piece. It make me feel happy. You are such a good artists.
- Shearon on May 22, 2024
Derrick looks scary!
- Ikaika on July 1, 2023
Xavi that is an incredible piece of art work .The colors are amazing .I can’t wait to come and visit and see you in action!!
- Linda on April 30, 2023
Wow Xavi ,I love your winter colours!! That is a fabulous painting
- Linda on January 18, 2023
Well done Xavi !!Love you
- Linda on January 4, 2023
Granny just loves artists .Xavi the world would be so sad without people like you that keep painting lovely art work .I am so proud that you are making the world a better and happier place .Just keep painting .I love this pot .What did you make it out of?
- Linda on December 14, 2022
Xavi that is sooooo good love you
- Linda on November 2, 2022
Xavi Granny just loves your painting .It looks so good.Mummy says you are always drawing .The world loves people that keep drawing ,it makes other people happy.I love you so much