Jonathan29597's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about Jonathan29597's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Love your cheetah Jon!
- Vickie on January 21, 2024
You did a great job Jon!!
- Vickie on March 22, 2023
What beautiful artwork! Good job!!
- Stephen (Father) on March 14, 2023
That’s a bright green animal! You did a great job Jon!
- Vickie on February 22, 2023
I love this frog! Great job!
- Stephen (Father) on February 21, 2023
Jon, I love your frog!
- Holly (Mother) on February 21, 2023
Great job on this Lion!!!
- Mawmaw on December 28, 2022
I love your lion!
- Dad on December 21, 2022
I love this fun & colorful bridge!
- Stephen (Father) on October 11, 2022
I love this patchwork elephant!
- Dad on October 11, 2022