Sloane1510's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about Sloane1510's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Beautiful pic Sloaney baby!
- Rachel (Mother) on April 24, 2024
Great job Sloaney baby! Love it!!
- Rachel (Mother) on February 13, 2024
Great job Sloaney baby! Love you!
- Rachel (Mother) on January 9, 2024
I love this Sloaney baby! Great job!!
- Rachel (Mother) on November 27, 2023
What a cute chick made by my Sloaney Chick! Good job!
- Rachel (Mother) on June 14, 2023
Great artwork Sloaney! I love your fish!!
- Mommy on May 31, 2023
Great job Sloaney! Love it!!!
- Mommy on May 31, 2023
Great pic Sloaney baby!!! Good work!
- Rachel (Mother) on February 28, 2023
Good job Sloaney baby! I love your colorful hearts!
- Rachel on January 25, 2023
Good job Sloaney! Love you!
- Rachel (Mother) on November 16, 2022
Super Great Job!! Keep up the great creativity!!!!!
- Daddy (Father) on November 15, 2022