Asher6511's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about Asher6511's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Asher, Your flowers are a snapshot of Spring. Your choice of colors and design remind Nana of the great artist Monet. ?? We love you. Pop-pop & Nana
- Pop-pop & Nana on May 17, 2023
Asher, Your self portrait shows how far your drawing skills have come!! The blue eyes were a bit of a surprise and I can’t wait to hear why or what you were thinking when you drew them. Love, Nana & Pop-pop
- Nana and Pop-pop on May 17, 2023
Asher, Pop-pop and I love this picture of Spring and the creatures & plants waking up!!! Your colors are warm and bring Spring to life!! Love you, Pop-pop & Nana
- Pop-pop & Nana on May 17, 2023
Asher, Pop-pop and I LOVE your Pot of Gold artwork. It is happy and joyful…it feels like a Pot of Gold to us. Love you, Nana & Pop-pop
- Nana and Pop-pop on May 17, 2023
Asher, Pop-pop and I love your cityscape!!!! The artist Van Gogh would be proud of your artistry. Love you, Nana & Pop-pop
- Nana and Pop-pop on May 17, 2023
Dear Asher, The heart artwork is bright and colorful. Your choice of dot design makes Pop-pop & I happy!! We love your creativity. Love, Nana & Pop-pop
- Nana & Pop-pop on May 17, 2023
Ashie!! Your ??artwork is beautiful! It is perfect for Valentines Day. Pop-pop and I love your colors and design.
- Nana and Pop-pop on May 17, 2023
Dear Asher, We love your mosaic collage. It reminds us of Eric Carle’s illustrations. The addition like the smoke in the chimney really show your observation skills & creativity. Love, Love, Love it Nana & Pop-pop
- Nana and Pop-pop on December 28, 2022
Asher, Nana and Pop-pop love your art work. We see how you are getting better and better in your design and your creativity. We are excited to see each of your art pieces through the year. Love you ??
- Nana on December 28, 2022
Dear Asher, Pop-pop and I LOVE your colorful handprint artwork. Your use of color and space show your eye for art and your creativity. Love ?? Nana and Pop-pop
- Nana on October 26, 2022
Asher, Your Piggy artwork is fun! Pop-pop and I love the humor, design and story of this artwork piece. We love you! We love your creativity. Nana and Pop-pop
- Nana And PopPop(fan) on October 12, 2022