Isaac22312's Comments (20)

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Below are comments about Isaac22312's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I want to be right in that boat floating in Monet’s lily pond! I actually got to see that spot in France a couple years ago!
- Nana on September 21, 2023
Just Wow!!!’ Love this so much!!
- Nana on September 21, 2023
Hope your not flirting with a girl!!??
- Nana on September 13, 2023
On the lookout for Jonah!!
- Nana on May 10, 2023
Love this one Isaac!
- Nana on April 26, 2023
Isaac this is so COOL! All it needs is a pickle!??
- Nana on March 29, 2023
Makes me want to go on a trip! But where is the beach?!?’
- Nana on March 15, 2023
Yoga pose?!?!
- Nana on December 7, 2022
“Fishy fishy in the brook daddy catch him with a hook….”
- Nana on November 23, 2022
Cocka doodle doo! Get me some coffee and no one will get hurt!
- Nana on November 23, 2022
Turtles are grandads favorite!!
- Nana on November 23, 2022
?? ribbit!! Love!!
- Nana on November 23, 2022
Isaac I love this one!!! Beautiful!!
- Nana on November 23, 2022
Truth Miracle Grow must be involved!!
- Nana on November 2, 2022
This is a beautiful garden!! Do you use miracle grow?!??
- Nana on October 26, 2022
- David (Father) on October 13, 2022
I love this! Can you pick that one for this Halloween?!!????????
- Nana on October 9, 2022
…I think I’ve seen that tower before! You really captured Paris so well in this painting Isaac!
- Linds on October 9, 2022
I would like to order 5 of these please ?? Isaac I love seeing all of your artwork!!! It’s cool to see how you’re learning different artists styles. You’re a great artist!
- Linds on October 9, 2022
I LOVE the colors of this so much! I want to frame it Isaac!
- Shannon (Mother) on September 26, 2022