Atticus1134's Comments (12)

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Below are comments about Atticus1134's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Absolutely beautiful cat!!! You are such an expressive artist!!! I love you-Nonna
- Teresa (Parent) on May 15, 2024
What beautiful jellyfish-great use of color. Love you??
- Teresa (Parent) on April 24, 2024
Love your bee and I love you??????
- Teresa (Parent) on April 24, 2024
What an amazing piece of artwork, Atticus! I love how many colors you used to make this beautiful work.
- Mama on April 24, 2024
Your polar bear is so creative-well done Atticus-Love Nonna??
- Teresa (Parent) on March 16, 2024
I love all your artwork Atticus ??. I love you Atticus ??. Love Nonna
- Teresa (Parent) on March 5, 2024
Looks like the 4th of July!!!
- Teresa (Parent) on February 20, 2024
Love your frog! Great coloring!!! Love you Atticus ??
- Teresa (Parent) on December 12, 2023
I love your helping hands-beautiful colors!!! Love-Nonna??????
- Teresa (Parent) on October 3, 2023
Your garden is beautiful-hope you will share with me when I come down ??. I love you!
- Nonna on June 21, 2023
I love your creativity-the colors are beautiful!!!
- Nonna on January 25, 2023
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