Clay2134's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Clay2134's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great work Clay. I see a theme!
- Riley (Father) on January 30, 2024
Great job Clay. I can see the depth in the container. How are the fries?
- Riley (Father) on January 16, 2024
I like this. It's pretty groovy.
- Riley (Father) on November 21, 2023
Fantastic collage! Let's Goooooo!!!
- Riley (Father) on November 16, 2023
This is pretty dope Clay. Great job!
- Riley (Father) on November 16, 2023
Clay, I love the painting and can really see the fish come alive. Great work!
- Riley (Father) on November 16, 2023
I love it!
- Riley (Father) on May 2, 2023