William44457's Comments (32)

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Below are comments about William44457's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Amazing! The blending of colours and shading is really well done! Beautiful picture Willy!
- Jamey (Mother) on May 27, 2024
great detail! the colouring of the second layer of petals is really great! nice work!!
- Auntie on May 29, 2024
Beautiful sunflower! The blending of colours and shading work is really good!!
- Jamey (Mother) on May 25, 2024
Beautiful piece Will! It must have taken a long time to create this. I think your thoughtfulness, patience and interesting perspective are the reason you are such a good artist! ??
- Gramma K on May 15, 2024
Wow, Will! This is very much like Christi Belcourt’s art work. This is awesome, I’d love to frame it for my office!
- Auntie G on May 7, 2024
Wow! This is beautiful Willy! Well done!
- Mom on May 7, 2024
Love the colour! The writing and silhouette really pop out on pink!
- Jamey (Mother) on January 30, 2024
Nice work Willy boy! I love the straight stitching! ??
- Gramma on January 17, 2024
great job, Willy! wow, you have a great eye for detail right down to the sole of the shoe. nice work!
- Auntie on January 17, 2024
Nice work on your Jordan 4!
- Jamey (Mother) on January 11, 2024
Well done! The shading looks great!
- Jamey (Mother) on December 27, 2023
Nice piece Will! It’s interesting how you make one subject different in each block. Good work!
- Kathy on December 27, 2023
wow! what a great perspective on elements. impressive!
- Auntie on December 27, 2023
wow! is this freehand drawings? they are so well done- good details and spooky!
- Auntie on November 8, 2023
This is so cool! wow, impressive!
- Auntie on November 7, 2023
Wow! This is good willy boy! Very creepy, but well done!!
- Kathy on November 7, 2023
This is amazing Will!!! Really well done!
- Jamey (Mother) on November 3, 2023
wow! this is excellent! looks like something you’d see in a modern art gallery. ????
- Auntie on November 6, 2023
Wow! This is a great compilation! Is that my house in the background????
- Kathy on November 6, 2023
This is a great self portrait Willy boy! I can totally tell it’s you!??
- Kathy on November 6, 2023
Love the colours Willy!
- Mom on November 1, 2023
Looks great! You nailed your hair!!
- Mom on November 1, 2023
- Jamey (Mother) on May 15, 2023
That looks good enough to drink!
- Jamey (Mother) on May 15, 2023
Creative idea! Love what you did with it!
- Jamey (Mother) on April 3, 2023
Nice work Will!! The hockey net is perfect!
- Jamey (Mother) on February 22, 2023
Looks like the Linwood “L” ??
- Mom on February 22, 2023
Great colours! Love this one!
- Mom on February 22, 2023
Looks great!
- Mom on February 22, 2023
Great work Willy!!
- Mom on February 22, 2023
Nice Will! Is it an ornament for the tree?
- Jamey (Mother) on January 5, 2023
That looks awesome! Nice job
- John (Father) on November 9, 2022