Michaela525's Comments (35)

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Below are comments about Michaela525's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Cool glasses and fro - and a favorite sport - I like the brightness - robin
- on March 13, 2015
Cool fro and glasses - and a favorite sport - keep creating!
-- Robin
- on March 13, 2015
Michaela, You art work is exceptional for someone your age. I hope you continue to explore your talents. Helena
-- Helena
- on October 28, 2014
A superb likeness Michaela. That shows a good eye for shadow and design.
-- Robin
- on October 4, 2012
Michaela - This is very interesting!! Keep up the good work. - Grandma Dorothy
-- Dorothy
- on July 3, 2012
Nice work Michaela!
-- Helena
- on July 3, 2012
What a great first pot!! When are you going to make another? I'd like to see a taller vase. - Grandma Dorothy
-- Dorothy
- on February 2, 2012
Hey! That's some interesting imaged house. Is that a spaceship and other planets that I see in the sky, or am I making some imagings up?! - Grandma
-- Dorothy
- on February 2, 2012
Very colorful! I like your trademark sunglasses on the sun.
-- mom
- on November 16, 2011
I like your picture, especially the sun with he sunglasses. I can always tell when you've drawn a picture because of the sunglasses - it's your special mark as an artist!
-- Grandma Dorothy
- on November 16, 2011
WOW!! This is fantastic!! Keep up the great work
-- Grandma Dorothy
- on May 6, 2011
Really like this shoe! Are you going to be a sports shoe designer some day?!
-- Grandma Dorothy
- on May 6, 2011
Hey! Great weaving. Like your choice of colors.
-- Grandma Dorothy
- on May 6, 2011
Hey! Are you going to be the new Nike shoe designer? Very interesting. . . .
-- Dorothy
- on May 6, 2011
Are you wearing that pretty purple dress you like so much? I'm sure it's not in your hair, but the candy cane looks like it's part of your hairstyle!! Keep up the good work - I enjoy seeing it.
-- Dorothy
- on January 13, 2011
I REALLY like this picture! It reminds me of all the countryside that I drove thru recently with the native plants and grasses. Grandma Dorothy
-- Dorothy
- on November 27, 2010
MIchaela, This is a really good representation of the Illinois praire! Great work.
-- Chuck&Janet
- on November 27, 2010
Michaela I really like your art work. Thanks for sharing it with me. Helena
-- Helena
- on November 27, 2010
I like your color wheel, Michaela, and I especially like the shapes you made to display the colors! Grandma Dorothy
-- Dorothy
- on November 27, 2010
I like this one with the poem, and you know, I especially like the sun with sunglasses!! Grandma Dorothy
-- Dorothy
- on November 27, 2010
WOW!! I really like your Chicago picture with the Picasso, Bean, and Tower. How did you get to be so talented?! Grandma Dorothy
-- Dorothy
- on November 27, 2010
Really like the colors and the Chicago skyline. Very good work!
-- Chuck&Janet
- on November 27, 2010
WOW!! You are improving your drawing/coloring/painting everytime I see your new artwork. Keep up the good work, okay?!
- on December 3, 2009
Michaela - That's a scary dino! Keep up the good work, okay? Grandma Dorothy
- on March 5, 2009
Dear Michaela, Your artwork illustrates how aware and full of life you are. I know that you are very interested in spiritual things. May you continue to grow spiritually and intellectually. Ron
- on February 3, 2009
WOW! This is very beautiful and interesting. When it first appeared on the screen, I thought it was of the United States because of the interesting edges on it. Then I thought it looked like an old quilt. Again, very, very good. - Grandma Dorothy
- on January 24, 2009
Really like the colors and the weaving. Happy New Year Michaela!! Keep up the good work.
- on January 24, 2009
I really like this castle, Michaela! I especially like the sun with the sunglasses on, too. You are such a good artist, keep up the good work. Grandma Dorothy
- on November 21, 2008
This is really great. Talent well beyond your years
- on November 5, 2008
Michaela...this is GREAT! You are so talented!!! Keep up the great work!
- on November 5, 2008
Very good picture! I know it was a class assignment to picture yourself (or someone else?) looking out the window. It reminds me of you looking out at the first snow, or seeing something new for the first time. Nice braids! - Grandma Dorothy
- on November 5, 2008
Michaela, again you created a wonderful animal picture! I like the colors, too! - Grandma Dorothy
- on November 5, 2008
I really like this drawing, Michaela. It looks like some art you would see in Australia by an aborigine tribe. Keep up the good work! - Grandma Dorothy
- on November 5, 2008
WOW!! What a great winter picture. I really like the colors in this scene and the snowman is wonderful, too! I hope to see more of your artwork soon. . . Grandma Dorothy
- on April 14, 2008
I really like the snowman and the snowy day Michaela. Keep doing your good artwork. Can you submit some of your animal pictures? -Mom
- on April 12, 2008