Kyla4380's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Kyla4380's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Kyla, This is an awesome drawing of an Angel! Keep up the good work! Love ya, Grampa!
- Keith on April 10, 2024
Absolutely love this! Beautiful! Love, Mommy
- Traci (Mother) on December 6, 2023
I love this K and the unique landmarks you drew. Great job! Love you, Mommy
- Traci (Mother) on December 6, 2023
Kyla, is this a shoe that you would like to have? Did you see someone wearing this style? I like Whoppers too, are those Whoppers on the shoe? Cool drawing ! Grampa loves you!
- Keith on December 6, 2023
That is a wild picture! Did you draw this on your hand as well? Keep up your creative art work! I Love you, Grampa!!
- Keith on December 6, 2023
Hi Kyla, These have to be Pandas! They are cute! Let's talk about this art work, the next time we see each other. Is the green in the background, Bamboo? Cause that's what Pandas eat? You are so creative! I love you, Grampa
- Grampa on December 6, 2023
Kyla, this is a great drawing! But I hope these are the only snowmen I see for the rest of the year! So ready for waem weather! Grampa Loves seeing your art work!!
- Keith on December 6, 2023
Wow Kyla! You'll have to talk to me about this picture you drew! I want to know what inspired you? Grampa is so proud of you and Kynzie!
- Keith(fan) on December 7, 2022