Ej1153's Comments (32)

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Below are comments about Ej1153's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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EJ, This is another favorite because I love the way you think of things. It is so creative to have the forest in the bear instead of the bear in the forest!
- Gram on June 12, 2024
How wonderful! You have united so many things I love: mountains, forest and bear!! LOVE IT!!
- Lucia (Mother) on June 6, 2024
- Lucia (Mother) on June 4, 2024
I LOVE it!!!
- Lucia (Mother) on June 4, 2024
Fun! It reminds me of a map too.
- Lucia (Mother) on June 4, 2024
I LOVE THIS!! This so speaks to something YOU love, something that is part of your heritage, and your creativity! You have done so many things in art class this year, and I thank you for sharing them with me.
- Gram on June 4, 2024
Mmmmm...chocolate!! It looks so real half wrapped!!
- Lucia (Mother) on May 29, 2024
The sword in the stone? It could also be a figurine of a man...
- Lucia (Mother) on May 29, 2024
Mi piace molto LA PIZZA, EJ!!!
- Lucia (Mother) on May 29, 2024
So cool! I want to hear all about the printing process. Kudos EJ!
- Lucia (Mother) on May 22, 2024
EJ, This is BEAUTIFUL! Did you draw it? What did you use? There is so much detail in this drawing. How long did it take to do? I look forward to talking to you about it. Love you! Gram
- Gram on May 22, 2024
Finally I get to see the new art work - I was so looking forward after you told me about a new one! And it doesn't disappoint!! So nice that you have incorporated Star Wars and legos into your art. I like the prospective and the galaxy theme. Great work EJ!
- Lucia (Mother) on May 2, 2024
I love this: your sense of humor, which I love, comes through the drawing. I like the colors too and the 3rd drawing (or should I call it 4d...=) Great work EJ!
- Lucia (Mother) on April 25, 2024
I wish I was there!! Well you got your postcard from Phantom Ranch and I've got your drawing from Sedona, I love it!
- Lucia (Mother) on April 24, 2024
EJ, I knew your trip would be your next inspiration! How lucky you were to go to see it in person (even though you were sick), and now you have a special way to remember it! Thank you for sharing it with me.
- Gram on April 24, 2024
What an explosion of colors, I love it!! I also like the combination of styles and techniques, I can't wait to see it in person. Good work EJ!
- Lucia (Mother) on April 9, 2024
Hi EJ, I just saw your latest artwork. I love the colors! What inspire this one? It probably wasn't a pizza, but it could be! So it's collage and coloring. It looks very 3-D. Are the color triangles the collage part? Also, did you do it on black paper? It looks like it is black behind the background coloring. I really like it!! Is it one of your favorites?
- Gram on April 9, 2024
This must be an owl from Buffalo - it's got the Bills colors: I LOVE IT!!!
- Lucia (Mother) on February 14, 2024
EJ, I realized I am behind on your artwork!! I was pretty sure I knew what inspired this piece, since you have told me how much you loved "The Hunger Games" books, and the arrow was a good hint as well. I think it is really good!! I also really liked your Nike Air sneaker, and I am a big fan of the O.W.L. Your art projects have gotten better and better. I can see your effort and your critical eye as well as your creativity, and absolutely love knowing what you are doing in school!!
- Gram on February 14, 2024
EJ, I knew without even looking at your caption that this was inspired by your ski vacation in the Alps. I still have to hear about that part of your trip. It is incredibly beautiful and you are so lucky to have seen it and skiied there. This is a really good drawing!
- Gram on January 17, 2024
Oh EJ, this is absolutely stunning!!! And it brings me right back on the snow staring up at the Cervino...what a great trip we had! Great work amore!
- Lucia (Mother) on January 11, 2024
EJ, I love the colors too! You also made an interesting pattern with the direction of your coloring. I always wonder what is in an artist's mind when they create something, and the explanation of how you create your work helps me understand it better. Love you and miss you!
- Gram on December 5, 2023
Wow!! It makes me feel like I am right in your fantasy land running at night and looking up at the planets...goosebumps, so cool EJ!!
- Lucia (Mother) on November 30, 2023
Hi EJ, If I read correctly, this is the cover of a sketchbook you are making. I love all the colors you used, and they give a hint of what you might put inside. It is so much fun for me to see what you are doing in art class, but I think you know which piece will always be my favorite!!
- Nonna Jane on November 1, 2023
I love it EJ!! As always you surprise me with how good you are with colors. The pattern and the colors flow together. Well done!
- Lucia (Mother) on October 30, 2023
EJ, I am sure Dad will love it. You did a beautiful job on it! It's hard to tell from the picture how big it is, but maybe you have some ideas of things he can use it for.
- Gram on September 20, 2023
Hi EJ, I am looking forward to hearing more about your print, and what you thought of printmaking in general. I love seeing your art!!
- Gram on February 15, 2023
Absolutely LOVE it!! It brings me back to our trip on the mountains, thank you EJ!
- Lucia (Mother) on January 14, 2023
EJ, I love your collage and that it was inspired by your trip to Italy. You didn't tell me about the yaks! The skiing you did was amazing, and you were obviously impressed by the beauty of the Dolomites. Thank you for sharing your artwork. You know I am a fan!!
- Jane on January 14, 2023
You have definitely had piano on your mind! I like the background too! I hope you enjoyed creating it as much as I enjoyed seeing it!
- Jane on January 10, 2023
EJ, I love seeing your artwork online! It makes me feel like I am almost there with you. It probably is no surprise that I love the piano player best. It makes me smile two ways: that you play the piano AND that you did a great drawing of it. Thank you for sharing it with me :)
- Gram on November 9, 2022
It reminds me a bit of Coconut. =]
- Lucia (Mother) on October 21, 2022