Gavin27984's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about Gavin27984's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is super cool, Gavin! The VW Bus near the top is fun. :)
- Vikki (Mother) on January 24, 2023
I like the theme that you were working towards on this one! The Japanese wood block prints are my favorite elements!
- Vikki (Mother) on January 9, 2023
I love this piece! I love how my eye is drawn to so many different areas in the landscape. Nice work!
- Vikki on December 14, 2022
Excellent job! The balance of colors (warm and cool) is very nice. The details here (the scorched trees, the knight) are fun to explore too.
- Vikki (Mother) on November 10, 2022
I like how you paired the dark red with the green on this dragon!
- Vikki (Mother) on November 10, 2022
Oooh! This dragon's eyes make him look super evil.
- Vikki (Mother) on November 10, 2022
I love the colors here! I think that the approach to the fire is super interesting too.
- Vikki (Mother) on November 10, 2022
Nice work Buddy! The elephant is my favorite!
- Starre on October 26, 2022
I love the texture on the elephant and the crocodile. Very cool!
- Vikki on October 21, 2022
I love the spookiness of this piece and the silliness of the mochi.
- Vikki on October 21, 2022
Great technique!
- Vikki on October 21, 2022