Abby14524's Comments (22)

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Below are comments about Abby14524's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Is that the “Sleepover”? I love it!! Live Daddy!
- Vincent (Father) on April 15, 2024
Lovely sunset! Love Daddy
- Vincent (Father) on February 10, 2024
Abby. Love your sunset painting! Such great use of color! Love, Uncle John
- John on February 14, 2024
A very original piece! Eye Love It! Love Daddy
- Vincent (Father) on February 8, 2024
Great work, Abby! You're becoming a talented artist. Love, Uncle John
- John on February 14, 2024
Abby: This is my favorite work of yours. Love the colors!
- Grandma on November 8, 2023
Dear Abby: Love your artwork, especially the collage effect on your sketchbook cover. Keep up the good work.
- Grandpa and Grandma on November 8, 2023
Lovely collage, Abby! Great sense of color. Love, Uncle John
- John on November 8, 2023
Wow! Fashion design art! That is such a nice drawing! Love Daddy
- Daddy on October 27, 2023
I love this Abby. Well done!
- Aunt Tracy on October 27, 2023
Great drawing, Abby! You're really getting good! Keep it up! Love, Uncle John
- John on October 27, 2023
Abby, Jessica will love your slithering masterpiece!
- Vincent (Father) on April 21, 2023
Abby, Great looking snake drawing! Looks like it could be turned into a cool tattoo design, but no tattoos for you. Love, Uncle John
- John on April 26, 2023
Abby, That snow globe print is terrific. I love printmaking. Keep up the wonderful work! Love, Uncle John
- John on February 15, 2023
Abby: beautiful work; I love the colors. Grandma
- Grandpa on February 1, 2023
Abby, You have a lot going on here. Can’t wait to talk about it. Love, Daddy
- Vincent (Father) on January 27, 2023
Abby. Nice work on the collage. Pretty heavy theme. Why is Winnie the Pooh in flames? Was he caught with his paw in the honey jar? Keep up the excellent work! Love, Uncle John
- John on January 27, 2023
That is so original!
- Vincent (Father) on January 7, 2023
Cool piece !
- Nira on December 21, 2022
Hey, Abby! Thanks for inviting me to see your art online. Gumball Astronaut is very cool! Love, Uncle John
- John on December 21, 2022
This has to be one of my favorites! Keep it up. Love Daddy
- Dad on December 7, 2022
Abby I love these drawings! Love, Dad
- Vincent (Father) on November 30, 2022