Arielle1716's Comments (13)

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Below are comments about Arielle1716's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is one of my favorites. We might have to frame it when you bring it home. I saw it on the wall in the Fireplace Common over the weekend at Game of Drones! I took (another) picture of it! (I also took one when it was first posted there!) Awesome work. I love it! Love, Dad
- Jason on January 18, 2023
I love this as well. Really great idea with teh foxes at the top looking like a flower. LOVE it!
- Jason on January 18, 2023
Arielle: I LOVE this - it's beautiful. It's evocative, playful and fun! Can't wait to see it when you bring it home. Love, Dad
- Jason on January 18, 2023
I recognize this -- it's the driveway of our house with the basketball hoop! I love it (althoug it reminds me of how you always beat me)!!!!! Beautiful !!!!!
- Dad on November 9, 2022
I recognize this! It's the basketball hoop in our driveway -- and you and me playing basketball. Somehow, you always win our games!
- Dad on November 9, 2022
I had no idea penguins could play basketball! Very cute.
- Mom on November 9, 2022
This one is both spooky and silly at the same time!
- Mom on November 9, 2022
Pepper is adorable! I like his scarf and hat.
- Mom on November 9, 2022
Oooh! This guy is sooo cute! Love it! (But I still don't like winter!!!!!)
- Jason (Father) on October 24, 2022
Yummy! I LOVE the rich colors. This picture makes me want watermelon and cherries right now! When I see this, I think of summer! BEAUTIFUL
- Jason (Father) on October 24, 2022
Love this for Halloween! It's beautiful. Will you explain to me what scumbling and hatching are? I have NO idea . . . but I think I like the effect they produce!
- Jason (Father) on October 24, 2022
I love this guy! Makes me want Boba Tea now! Sooo cute!
- Jason (Father) on October 24, 2022
This guy is so cute!! He looks very happy to be surrounded by all of that boba tea...
- Lisa (Mother) on October 21, 2022