Margo462's Comments (9)

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Below are comments about Margo462's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is very interesting. Love the color combination.
- Nana & Papa on July 24, 2024
- Nana & Papa on July 24, 2024
M, I love this beautiful work! I see a sunset or sunrise one spring or Fall day here at home by the sea. Lovely! I hope you enjoyed working on this piece! XOMom
- Mom on July 24, 2024
Margo, this work is just wonderful! I feel as if I am sitting with you in our living room at Shamrock Hill looking at Mt Canabolas!! Your use of colors and the dots remind me of our friend and artist, John Walker!!! Remember his amazing exhibit in town and we saw his beautiful art studio the year before! I am so excited you were influenced by him and his passion for the Australian landscape, just beautiful! XOXOmom
- Jenn (Mother) on February 12, 2024
Margo, this is a beautiful memory of your return to Australia.Well done granddaughter..
- Nana & Papa on July 24, 2024
Margo , very interesting??!!! Love how you alternated colors!! Coloring in the white space can be hard and tedious! Chunk it out maybe. I used to move the crayon in circles to fill in white area wothout seeing the lines ….when i was a grown up that is! ?? keep it up! xoxoxxo
- Jenn (Mother) on October 28, 2023
Wow Margo, Your sock puppet is so colorful and creative. It will stand out anywhere! Love all your artwork.
- NANA?? on October 28, 2023
Margo, I LOVE this piece!!! Your artwork this year has really shown that you are engaged and interested!! Love it!!! XOXOXXO mom
- Mom on October 28, 2023
Margo, We really enjoyed your artwork. It reminds us of an antique paperweight with multi-colored canes. We are looking forward to your next project! ??Nana and Papa
- Nana and Papa on October 28, 2023