Phoenix3016's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about Phoenix3016's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Love the purple! Good job, buddy!
- Mommy on September 8, 2024
Super cool self portrait! The colors are pretty sweet!
- Aunty Sasa on April 24, 2024
I love all the different faces on the hearts? Great job, bud!
- Raven (Mother) on February 28, 2024
Love this one. Very creative!
- Melissa on February 28, 2024
Very interesting!
- Raven (Mother) on January 30, 2024
What a cool turkey! Very different!
- Raven (Mother) on December 13, 2023
Cardinals are my favorite and this picture is soooo pretty!
- Raven (Mother) on December 13, 2023
I just looked at ALL your artwork. I love it ALL! You're so talented; great job!
- Gramma on December 13, 2023
Love it!
- Raven (Mother) on November 28, 2023
Love it! Spiders are the coolest! And the web looks awesome!
- Raven (Mother) on November 14, 2023
So creative! I love it!
- Raven (Mother) on October 4, 2022