Ari2049's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Ari2049's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great job drawing pictures of the leaves you were looking at! When I look at this, I can tell you were looking at leaves of different shapes and sizes and were also paying great attention to the direction each stem was facing.
- Jen (Mother) on October 7, 2022
I bet you had some fun making this one! I love how you made sure the rainbow was done with the colors in the exact order. . . and I also love how you went wild with your markers in the other parts of your drawing.
- Jen (Mother) on October 7, 2022
This is a fascinating piece that is oh, so fun to look at! It makes me wonder what you were thinking about when you painted this :) I really like the colors you chose and the way you did your brush strokes.
- Jen (Mother) on October 7, 2022
Its amazing how we can use items from nature to create a masterpiece! Great job creating a unique “leaf man”! I especially love how you used acorns for the eyes and a helicopter seed for the nose. . . It really gives your creation so much character!
- Jen (Mother) on October 7, 2022
Nice work! Love the blue color!
- Parent on October 7, 2022
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