I am so happy to see that your artwork is being displayed again this year. You are very talented. The comic strip was hilarious and creative. I look forward to seeing more beautiful works of art from you this year.
- MeeMee on June 21, 2023
What lovely flowers you have painted for your mom for Mother’s Day! They will be a sweet reminder of her daughter’s laughter and happy times you have together.
- MeeMee on May 11, 2022
Sophia , you have so much artistic talent sweetheart! I think you take after your Mom and her talent for Art! Beautiful work! Love you! Gramma
- Grandma on April 6, 2022
Your gorgeous and fabulous fish is displaying layers of glitzy colors. I imagine she is queen of her domain in the ocean and plays happily with her best friends, dolphins, starfish, turtle, and whale… Also…. Her very best friend is a mermaid. Pops and I are so proud of each art work your teacher posts. Keep up the good work my enchanting little granddaughter!
- Meemee on April 6, 2022
An awesome dog ??saves the day! The little girl looks very scared. I hope the mouse learned his lesson about bullying and stays away.
- MeeMee on March 16, 2022
??This picture cracks me up! I think it’s pretty cool that your story is about a pigeon flying a blue helicopter. It looks like he’s wearing a Auburn cap and trying to fly into a beautiful blue bird. ??Why!!!Tomorrow I’ll be looking up in the sky for a pigeon flying a blue helicopter. I love your creative imagination. Your teacher must be so excited to see what comes next in your art work!
- MeeMee on March 16, 2022
Awesome art work, Sophia! This drawing looks like your colorful rocket ship is racing around in space towards an undiscovered planet.
- MeeMee on February 23, 2022
Wow! What an awesome painting of the Grinch. This is one of my favorites. The details in his eyes and mouth are amazing. It looks like he’s saying, “Maybe Christmas (he thought) doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Christmas perhaps means a little bit more.” — The Grinch.
- MeeMee on December 29, 2021
Sophia, I love your lovely purple dress and matching shoes. A happy Purple Heart is poised above you. I cannot make out what you are holding in your right hand. Your left hand is behind you…. Are you holding a small surprise for me? I love your pretty choice of colors in this painting.
- MeeMee on December 29, 2021
What a cute and colorful owl. She looks like a happy owl that flew into a rainbow. Is that the way she got her lovely colorful feathers? I love the sweet heart at the end of the feather. ??
- MeeMee on November 4, 2021
Super hero Sophia saves the day by rescuing others from the ferocious villain! I love your purple costume with matching mask, shoes, etc. I also like your fierce look of determination to use your powers and force him to beam to another planet . You have a great imagination and creativity. I can’t wait to read about super hero Sophia’s other adventures.
- MeeMee on November 4, 2021
I love your pretty multi colored fish.
- MeeMee on November 4, 2021
Sophia your artwork is really beautiful. I am so proud of you. Love you.
- Pops on November 4, 2021
Love this colorful fish!!!
- Amy (Mother) on September 21, 2021
Very nice!
- Meemee(fan) on May 19, 2021
This is an awesome cat. Lovely choice of colors. I think it would give Cheese nightmares.
- Meemee(fan) on May 19, 2021
This artwork gives me inspiration to create my own piece of art. I love your creativity and imagination
- Meemee(fan) on May 19, 2021
Pops and I love all of your art work but this one is our favorite.
- Meemee(fan) on May 19, 2021
This is my new favorite!!! Great job Sophia!!!
- Amy (Mother) on March 23, 2021
I love this colorful cat!!!
- Amy on March 3, 2021
Great job Sophia!!!
- Amy on March 3, 2021
I LOVE this so much!!!
- Amy (Mother) on January 6, 2021
Sophia, I loved your three eyed monster! I can’t wait to see you and ask if you have named it. I would love to compose a story together about this spooky monster. Once again, your artistic talents amaze me.????
- Meemee on November 4, 2020
What a.beautiful artist you are ! Keep up with what you love to do! Proud gramma!
- Grandma on November 4, 2020
This just so happens to be my favorite one! Thank you Sophia for your talents and making these flowers look sooooo special!
- Grandma on September 23, 2020
Sophia has such a special talent in her art work! It’s always a pleasure to see her next drawings! Very creative!
- Grandma on September 23, 2020
Sophia, You are doing such a great job with your artwork. I am so proud of you ??
- Pops on September 23, 2020
I love the beautiful flowers in your unique art work. I am so proud of you and the wonderful work you are doing at school. ??
- MeeMee on September 23, 2020
God gave you a talent for art and it shows in your work that your teacher provided on the website. I love your creativity and use of beautiful blend of colors in this unique picture. I can’t wait to see more posts from you in the future. ??