Henry18546's Comments (17)

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Below are comments about Henry18546's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love this wackadoodle tree Henry! It is beautiful!
- GG on August 14, 2024
I love that butterfly! He is symmetrical! You are the best artist!
- Lori on April 24, 2024
Dearest Henry, All of your artwork is wonderful, so full of whimsy and color. I love each one but I love YOU even more. Keep up creating art and having fun doing it. You are truly a special boy…XOXO Mima
- Mima on March 6, 2024
This is a beautiful heart Henry! So many colors! You are so talented!
- Lori on February 28, 2024
Henry this is so pretty! I love all the different colors you used! You are so talented!
- Lori on February 28, 2024
This is beautiful Henry! I love this snowy forest scene!
- GG on December 8, 2023
Henry! What a great monster!! I like his teeth!!!
- Lori on December 8, 2023
This is beautiful Henry! I love all the colors and shapes!
- GG on October 25, 2023
I love your scarecrow Henry! I have one on my wagon that looks kind of like him! Nice work!
- GG on October 25, 2023
That is an amazing fish! I hope we see some like that on vacation!
- Lori on August 23, 2023
What an amazing depiction of fall!
- Amanda (Mother) on April 23, 2023
This is my favorite!!
- Amanda (Mother) on April 23, 2023
I cant wait to frame this at home!
- Amanda (Mother) on April 23, 2023
Henry this is beautiful! You are such a good artist!!! It looks like a lovely spring picture!
- Lori on May 29, 2023
Henry this is a beautiful fall picture! I love how each leaf is a little different. You are a terrific artist!
- GG on November 30, 2022
This is the cutest pig I’ve ever seen! Nice work Henry!
- GG on November 30, 2022
Henry this picture is amazing! I love the colors you used and it is a very cute mouse! Love GG
- GG on November 29, 2022