Andrew50497's Comments (14)

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Below are comments about Andrew50497's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Nice looking trees!
- Groucho on September 25, 2024 NEW
You bird picture is so colorful. I like how they are different sizes and appear to be talking to one another. Great form of expressionism!
- Grandma on May 26, 2024
That is so creative, Andrew! Keep up the good work.
- Grandma on February 19, 2024
Did you like using watercolor? I like his details and am wondering what all of those buttons do!
- Auntie Michelle on February 14, 2024
Hey Ace, even though we have had no snow yet this year, you sure draw a GREAT wintery picture!!
- Groucho on January 3, 2024
This also made me more excited for Christmas, Andrew!
- Auntie Michelle on December 6, 2023
Brrrrrr. That's a GREAT winter picture!??
- Groucho on December 6, 2023
All of them have such different, expressive faces!
- Auntie Michelle on November 15, 2023
What a happy picture, Andrew. Looking at it brings a big smile to my face. Great work.
- Grandma on April 28, 2023
Well... I'm torn. I don't know if I'm happy, or afraid, that my grandson created the "love monster".....
- Doug on March 6, 2023
Dear Andrew: This is the best. Your artistic work brings me a happy smile. Thanks, Great Nana
- Great Nana on January 11, 2023
Dear Andrew: Thank you for your great design, a happy pumpkin face. I especially enjoy the designs around his face, A butterfly, a stick man and the other items. Your good. With love and prayers, Great Nana
- Great Nana on December 14, 2022
Your crazy hair is very crazy. I like the smile on your face in the picture. Great job.
- Ema on October 19, 2022
I really like the colors and designs on your leaf painting. Very creative.
- Ema on October 19, 2022