Nolan12021's Comments (37)

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Below are comments about Nolan12021's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Very colorful trees
- Papa on September 26, 2024 NEW
This forest looks pretty cool. I especially love the different colors of leaves. Reminds me of fall. And are those pumpkins I see?
- Aunt banana on September 26, 2024 NEW
Perfect Frankenstein monster!
- Aunt Tina on September 26, 2024 NEW
I love the colors you used in this! It makes me happy.
- Aunt Tina on September 26, 2024 NEW
Those are some cute fish!
- Aunt banana on May 23, 2024
Looks like the Fish are experiencing a typhoon ! Poor guys ! Love ya !
- Papa on May 23, 2024
Nice picture Noly! Night school :)
- John (Father) on May 15, 2024
These buildings are very cool looking. Can I live in that blue house in the gray roof?
- Aunt banana on May 8, 2024
Like the "Flash" Its Nolan Van Gone. Starry Starry Kid
- Papa on May 6, 2024
I've seen you weave a lot of magic , this is another one
- Papa on March 27, 2024
This is so cool. I love the different shades of blue and purple.
- Aunt Banana on March 27, 2024
That is quite some Doggie.
- Papa on March 21, 2024
I like your doggie!
- Nana on March 21, 2024
A I from NoL I
- Papa on February 29, 2024
That is Beautiful . Are they sad because your leaving them and going to Mexico.
- Papa on December 29, 2023
That is a Beautiful Mitten design.
- Papa on December 21, 2023
That is a Beautiful Mitten design.
- Papa on December 21, 2023
These pumpkins are cool but also a little scary!
- Aunt Banana on November 6, 2023
Very colorful , looks like they're having fun;
- Papa on October 18, 2023
This looks just like you and your dream dog. I hope he doesn't pee on the basketball court.
- mom on September 22, 2023
I love these birds so much. They are such pretty colors and they look like they are the best of friends.
- mom on September 22, 2023
great sunflowers
- Papa on April 26, 2023
I love sunflowers!
- Nana on April 26, 2023
You are my love monster but this guy is pretty cute too. ??
- Mom on March 8, 2023
Can't wait to see,nice
- Papa on February 1, 2023
Don't look at the sun you will melt. That Drawing is Hot ,Hot, Hot
- Papa on December 19, 2022
Cute snowman! Can’t wait to build one this year!
- John (Father) on December 14, 2022
I love this prospective! Do you think he's watching for it to snow more? Excellent work!
- Tina on December 14, 2022
Thats one crazy pumpkin . I love it !
- Papa on November 23, 2022
This is a very silly looking pumpkin. I love his worried looking eyebrows!
- Aunt Tina on November 23, 2022
What type tree did that come from a Nolnut tree
- Papa on October 19, 2022
A very cool Leaf
- Papa on October 19, 2022
I love this so much! It’s so pretty!
- Mom on October 19, 2022
This is so colorful and creative. I wish leaves really looked like this!
- Tina on October 19, 2022
Is this your best art yet? Bet!
- John (Father) on October 12, 2022
I think it is showing the things that come out of your head . Ha ha Love
- Papa on October 4, 2022
Nice job Nolan! Your mohawk looks great in the picture!
- John (Father) on September 29, 2022