Joseph41504's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Joseph41504's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Joey, The bunny you drew is adorable. I love him! I love you too.
- Mimi on April 3, 2024
Hi Joey, The ice cream looks yummy! You did a really good job with your picture. I like how you put many flavors in the cone. I don’t know which flavor I like best. We will have to go to the ice cream stand and try them all. Let’s go on the next sunny day! Love,
- Mimi on April 3, 2024
I love your new artwork. It is a fun picture. The next time it snows I’m going to catch snowflakes on my tongue! Love you!
- Mimi on April 3, 2024
Joey, I love the picture you painted of Santa's sleigh. Great work! Keep working hard. Love, M
- Mimi on April 3, 2024
Grandma thinks you did a very nice job and I love the picture
- Janny on April 3, 2024