Isaac22148's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about Isaac22148's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This fellow is so cute!! Keep up the great work!
- Dana on May 1, 2024
I love this!!!
- Grandma Dana on May 1, 2024
Super impressed. My guy's got some serious skill. Keep it up bud!
- Jason (dad) on October 25, 2023
Samy is so cute. He looks like he is whistling a happy tune!
- Grandma Dana on May 24, 2023
Fabulous work Mr. This is absolutely beautiful!
- Diane on April 5, 2023
I Love this!!!
- Grandma Dana on December 29, 2022
The colors on this are fabulous!! Good work.
- Grandma diane on December 21, 2022
This is pretty cool. I love the reflection aspect. And again, the colors are great!
- Grandma Dana on November 23, 2022
I love the faces! And the colors!
- Grandma Dana on November 15, 2022
I love it. Keep up the good job!
- Emily on November 2, 2022