James42187's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about James42187's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love it, James! Great attention to detail.
- Dezra (Mother) on May 7, 2024
I love it, James! The detail is amazing.
- Dezra (Mother) on December 19, 2023
Ruben your signing is excellent! Very nice work! Love daddy always.
- Matthew (Father) on November 21, 2023
Very nice work, James!
- Dezra (Mother) on November 15, 2023
Very nice Ruben! This is a masterpiece!!! Keep up the excellent work, love daddy.
- Matthew (Father) on June 6, 2023
Cool! Great job, James!
- Mommy on November 21, 2023
James Ruben, your artwork is a master piece!!! Keep up the excellent work. Love you always, Daddy.
- Matthew (Father) on January 3, 2023
Great work, James! So handsome. I am proud of you.
- Dezra on November 21, 2023