Luke, we think the title of this work is very curious and interesting. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and please keep exploring your creativity. Love, Aba, and Pake
- Aba on October 18, 2023
- Papa on October 18, 2023
Luke, we are pleased to see you expanding your artistic work. And creating a coil basket based on African heritage is exciting. Keep your creative juices flowing. Love always, Aba and Pake
- Mark/David on October 18, 2023
Your personal logo is very intriguing. With the dark background, the logo really is pronounced. Very nice job. I'm interested in hearing your interpretation. As always we love you, Aba and Pake
- Aba on October 18, 2023
Grandson, Luke. This is among my favorite of your artwork. The coloring camouflage is an effective element. The rendering of the face is wonderful. And the eyes are perfect. Your title is very descriptive of your intent. We love you and keep up the excellent work, Aba and Pake.
- Aba on October 18, 2023
Luke, we love your creativity and imagination. Keep up the good work. Love, Aba and Pake
- Aba on October 18, 2023
Nice use of colors. And a cheery theme as we enter into winter. Love, Aba, and Pake.
- Aba on October 18, 2023
Dear Luke, thank you for sharing your thoughts about this picture. Love, Pake and Aba
- ABA on October 18, 2023
Grandson, I love your honesty and the creativity of your rendering. Love, Aba and Pake