Thomas, congrats! Very creative use of the 3 primary colors in 4 very different designs. I think you would enjoy an art class to learn and experiment with color and design. Love Mia
- Mia on December 18, 2023
Success Thomas! This is a spooky, scary character and I hope I don’t ever run into him! Love Mia
- Mia on December 18, 2023
Hi Thomas, I think you are super talented. My name is Kai, your great auntie Betty's friend. I yesterday got to know my daughter is pregnant and I think your picture depicts a little baby, but you might think it depicts something else. Maybe it's a little gator baby? Anyhow, I'll call it a little cute monster baby since it's Halloween and all. The pictures I've seen are stunning, and I belive you will be one of the great artists that everyone will talk about. Take care dear Thomas and we maybe I get to meet you and your family soon again. Cheers! Kai P.S. I used to tell my children a lot of pirate stories, and they believed I was one until they grew up and got smarter ~ smiles!
- Kai on December 18, 2023
This is my all time favorite. Nice job Thomas. Papa
- Papa on October 19, 2023
Thomas, you are so talented. I was fortunate to see your latest creation in person, and it is more impressive than the photo. Looking forward to your future masterpieces. XO
- Grandma on October 19, 2023
You don’t usually use brown so for some reason I think of a bear when I look at this !it’s a fun design with lots of colors and shapes. I like it lots!
- Love mia on October 19, 2023
Wow! This art piece belongs in MOMA! You will have to show/tell me how you created the background. XOXO
- Gramma on July 5, 2023
I love this piece, Thomas! You continue to amaze me. XOXO
- Gramma on July 5, 2023
This looks like objects just floating in the wind….
- Mia on July 5, 2023
Thomas, I really like how you used all these neutral colors….would love to know how you would describe it!
- Mia on July 5, 2023
You are looking through the window on a cold, icy Chicago day. The ice crystals have formed on the window, but what are you trying to see? I wonder.
- Mia on July 5, 2023
Thomas, this looks like it was a fun project-chalk and glue. You will have to tell me how you created the colors and swirls. You are very expressive with your artwork. Another masterpiece! XOXO
- Gramma on July 5, 2023
Such fun Thomas! I love how you used squares and rectangles and repeated the color pattern with orange, green and purple! Well done!
- Mia on July 5, 2023
Beautiful! Secondary colors, ignored by many. Nice job, Thomas, I love your use of colors and shapes. You are an artist. XO
- Gramma on July 5, 2023
Hi Thomas! I know it’s an alien BUT it reminds me of a totem pole! The American Indians use to carve figures and symbols important to their tribe. Nicely done!
- Mia on July 5, 2023
Nice job, Tom-your Symmetrical Alien IS Symmetrical!! I love your Aliens! You have a great talent. XO
- Grandma on July 5, 2023
Thomas. I believe I see a bird sitting on a branch in a tree. Are my eyes playing tricks on me?
- Papa on February 13, 2023
Thomas I love all your colors! Just beautiful!
- Aunt Betty on February 8, 2023
I love this one Thomas!!!!!
- Papa on February 8, 2023
Whoa!! I feel like I am looking into a time travel tunnel. Your spiral is pulling me into another dimension. Of course, I love it. XOXO
- Grandma on February 8, 2023
Thomas this one is my favorite. Ask your teacher about George Seirat. It is amazing what you can do with dots. Great job!
- Aunt Betty on February 8, 2023
Thomas, this looks like a Pokémon card! Very creative! LoveMia
- Mia on January 18, 2023
Thomas, I love the juxtaposition of the dots and shapes. Nicely done! XOXO
- Grandma on January 18, 2023
Thomas, how did you get the Robot to float in space? I feel like I could reach out and touch your robot-do you have a name for it? XOXO
- Grandma on January 18, 2023
I give this masterpiece two thumbs up!
- Gramma on January 18, 2023
SO COOL!!! xoxo
- Gramma on January 18, 2023
Thomas, you amaze me-you are our very own Picasso. XOXO
- Gramma on January 18, 2023
Hi Thomas, I love all the bright colors you use with different shapes. Well done..!
- Mia on December 13, 2022
Oh What Fun!! Thomas, who have caught the essence of artist Piet Mondrian-from your chosen abstract pieces to your vibrant colors. Well done. XOXO
- Grandma on December 13, 2022
Another Masterpiece!! XOXO
- Grandma on November 30, 2022
Thomas, this looks to me like a pirate ship! It looks pretty scary to me! I love your work. You use so many colors! Love Mia
- Mia on November 30, 2022
Dear Thomas, You are AMAZING! I LOVE your artwork and I look forward to seeing your future masterpieces. You are awesome!! XOXO
- Grandma on November 9, 2022
Thomas I love the use of the color orange could you do a university of Illinois football picture? The colors of their football jerseys and helmets are orange and blue!! Keep up the good work
- Papa on November 9, 2022
Thomas, I love all the bright colors you used! It makes to happy to look at them. Love Mia
- Mia on October 20, 2022
Thomas, I love your artwork!! You captured the fall leaves, and you have great composition. Congratulations!
- Elizabeth on October 20, 2022
Thomas, I love your artwork!! You captured the fall leaves, and you have great composition. Congratulations!