This is so awesome, Brody! With your color choices and your cool use of your pen you have given a great picture about YOU! I didn’t know you liked the number 30, but I did know that you like baseball and building a snowman! And, is that the house you visit on the beach?? Thank you for sharing, Brody??
- Grandma Deb on October 9, 2024
Wow! There is a lot going on in this piece of artwork! I love it and would love to hear about the assignment and why you chose to include the things you included. Great work B!
- Nana on October 9, 2024
Wow, Brody, this must have been a really fun project! There are so many interesting parts to this whole project. You have given me lots to imagine here! Thank you for sharing your great gift!
- Grandma Deb on May 1, 2024
What a cool-looking duck, Brody! His orange beak is just the right size to help peck for seeds or berries. You worked hard to get him ready for living at the pond!
- Grandma Deb on March 13, 2024
Super cool snowman Brody! Sure wish we had some snow to make a real one!
- Nanny on January 3, 2024
What a jolly snowman. Is his name Frosty? He looks so happy that it’s snowing outside! Great work, Brody, on your snowman!
- Grandma Deb on December 20, 2023
Love this one B! Makes me want to go sledding with you! Hope we get some snow soon!
- Nanny on December 20, 2023
Love this robot B!!! I wish I had one to clean my house for me! Nice job buddy!
- Nana on November 19, 2023
Looks like you worked hard, Brody, to give this robot lots of power. Your robot looks strong, tall, and ready for any job he has to do.
- Grandma Deb on November 19, 2023
I love this! Looks like what happens when you jump in the pool and you make all the ripples and waves. Really cool!
- Nanny on October 4, 2023
Brody, This house looks so cheerful and welcoming. I’d like to visit a house like this. Great job!
- Aunt Stacie on October 4, 2023
A very tall house, Brody. Probably lots of stairs inside to get to the top. I wonder how many people live there. Very colorful and fun on the outside! Thank you for sharing your art project with me.
- Grandma Deb on September 27, 2023
Brody, I love the colors in this picture and think it would be fun to live here! Great job! It’s beautiful!
- Nana on September 27, 2023
A fun castle, Brody. I would love to go inside and climb the steps to the tower! The sun looks happy. Thank you for sharing your art this year, Brody! Have a great summer!
- Grandma Deb on May 24, 2023
That’s what fireworks looks like to me, too, Brody! So many different colors to light up the night sky! I wonder if there are people at all the windows of the buildings watching fireworks?
- Grandma Deb on April 12, 2023
This has to be the most colorful fish ever! I love his eyes.
- Stacie on March 15, 2023
Brody, Love the bright colors and the patterns you chose.
- Stacie on March 15, 2023
Great job on this Brody. Love the detail you put in the hair and the collar of the shirt.
- Stacie on March 15, 2023
Brody, I’m catching up on all the work you’ve been doing. This has to be one of my favorites! I love the green you chose for the background. It really makes the flowers stand out. The design on your flower pot is awesome! I wish I could buy one for my real flowers. Great job! Keep creating.
- Stacue on March 15, 2023
This is one of my favorites! Amazing job Brody! All the detail is wonderful and this picture is beautiful!!!
- Nana on March 8, 2023
Brody, your flower pot has such an interesting design!! And the flowers are very cool! I bet they smell good too!
- Grandma Deb on March 8, 2023
Cool, Brody - shapes on top of shapes! I see that the smaller shapes were placed on top of the bigger shapes. Nice color choices. Thanks for sharing your project, Brody!
- Deb on March 1, 2023
Now that is a handsome boy right there!!! Brody your artistic talent is amazing! Keep up the awesome work! I love you buddy!
- Nana on February 23, 2023
Wow, Brody, nice work on drawing a picture of YOU! I know it’s you because I see your blue eyes and your great smile! And you are wearing that cool shirt too!
- Grandma Deb on February 23, 2023
Wow, Brody, looks like you chose to make a very BIG fish with sharp teeth! Would he live in a lake? Or, is he big enough to live in the ocean? Thank you for sharing your art.
- Grandma Deb on February 23, 2023
Awesome fish Brody! Very colorful! I think it would be so cool if we could actually see this kind of beautiful fish in the ocean!
- Nanny on February 23, 2023
This family of birds look very happy to be playing in the snow! Maybe the snow tells them Christmas is coming!
- Grandma Deb on December 7, 2022
B this is an incredible piece of art! I absolutely love cardinals, especially in the winter time. I love how you added the detail of snow falling in the background. Really makes their beautiful red color bright. I think this is my favorite!
- Aunt Stacie on December 7, 2022
Brody you are an amazing artist! I love your latest picture of the birds! Your great grandpa would have loved to have seen this one because he loved birds and especially cardinals! Keep up the great work buddy! Nana is so proud of you!
- Nana on December 4, 2022
B this picture is awesome!!! I love the detail! I assume this is a picture of you in your bed and you did a great job!
- Nanny on November 23, 2022
Aww, Brody, that warm colorful blanket looks so cozy! A great place to have sweet dreams! Grandma Deb
- Deb on November 23, 2022
Looks like a comfie bed. Love the colors and details with the shapes you added to the bed spread. You’re such a talented artist.
- Stacie on November 23, 2022
Brody this is a beautiful piece of art! Great job!
- Nanny on November 2, 2022
Love the colors and patterns B! Great job!
- Stacie on November 2, 2022
Oh, wow, Brody, you got to use paints for this one! Lots of colors, and I see where two colors together made a third color! Thanks for sharing your art!
- Grandma Deb on November 2, 2022
Brody, this art project has such great colors and fun wavy lines. Hope you had fun making it because I enjoy seeing it.