Rosemary1064's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Rosemary1064's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I lov this unique piece of art developed by Rosie. If FACT, I ordered a shirt with her art work on the frontl. I am very proud of her artistic talent, Pop
- Pop on October 9, 2024
Rosie: I really like the flower picture. Do you think I should buy something with that art work on it? I think it would look classy and modern too have a yeti cup with your art on it. Good work! POP
- Pop on June 28, 2023
Rosie This is Pop... I just saw what appears to be a haunted house out in the woods with the moon shining through the trees Beautiful. I need to know how you make it look like you did. I love it! Pop
- Pop on January 4, 2023
Rosemary.: I love this piece of your art work. Not only is it designed wit the perfect and mellow colors, it shows what God saw when He created the earth. Well done. Your Pop
- Pop on November 30, 2022
Rosemary This piece of art is full of beautiful colors and the lines are very interesting. You have so many different kinds of lines! Pop says that your spacing of the lines is so artistic.
- Lee Lee on November 30, 2022
Love this! Looks like a city sunset!
- Sissy on November 30, 2022